hello guys i love someone but i scared becsause if i propose and she say no so that time what should i do that time we are best friend and we are sharing everything that's why i scared so tell me i propose her ya not?

iamthwee commented: spammer +0

There are a few stages between best friend and proposal
why not go through the
talk,date,hold hands,kiss
before .
If you jump straight in, it may not resolve well, too many crazies on the news.
My wife ended up proposing, after we spent a lot of time talking.
\It seems talk is most important from my limited experience, she may have similar feelings, but you never know unless you talk
( Its scary as, but good as well ) I guess not much help, but good luck

Just want to make sure
I am NOT don juan, or any kind of romance guru, the above is just the experience of 1 bloke

commented: lol +0

I guess in your country it is even not done to hold ones hand before marriage. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I should talk about how you do see the future (work, house, children ...)
See how she reacts and act accordingly.

And don't be scared if you would prefer the direct approach. Propose gently. The only thing that can happen is: she accepts or she declines. In the second case: there is plenty more fish in the sea.
And as almostbob, my name is not Juan!

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I stopped reading at

we are best friends and now I want to propose to her.


commented: That's mean lol +0

all she can do is say yes or no. if she says no - maybe it is best to just remain the good friends that you are for now. life is long..and alot can happen to change a no to a yes at anytime.

thanx to all my freinds to give our review

@rahul, i know. never try to propose like this(directly). Indians girls have attitude problem with them, no matter they deserve that or not :p. So, try to go on dates, movies, restraunts, pubs etc. If she is comfortable with you at these places without any problem, then it is GREEN signal for you. If she says "no! akele ? kabhi nahi!", but if she says this in normal way, that means GREEN signal. Tell her stories about relationship of your mutual friends. Like this , in the moon light , sit on your knees and say her "will you be my partner ?". aww!! (looking damn easy, but trust me! Indians girls are damn tuff). This is my long term experience. :)

commented: lol +0

fantastic answer by natin1..
i totally apolozied with nitin. coz am also a long and well term experience in this types of matter.
if she is comfortable with u in any personal place. so she also have some special feeling in our hearts.
be tried this. this is perfect.

Why now using a different account? Admins can see the IP address you know...

commented: ikr... +0

who is using different account and why ? :-o thanks

thanks for interest happygeek and nitin..
am izhar and other one is rahul, am both working with a same company and same project, but we have a different account and different IP address also.

commented: i totally agree with this statement!! +0
commented: No, you have THE SAME IP address - sig spammers, if you ask me... +0

Women want to be wooed, so buy her some nice jewelry, go out to places you both like, have some fancy dinners, and when she is in her best mood you ask the question.

hello mr. vegasat buy some jewelry when she say yes

hello mr. vegasat buy some jewelry when she say yes

It is a good part of what you need to do. The jewelry is a good way to take control of the woman's mind. Also take her to her favorite place(s).

Be sure to have your wallet loaded at all times ;)

My signature-spam detectors are going off the charts here, or is it just me?

Rahul and Izhar, you are walking a fine line. If you keep going, you might get infracted and banned, again. The rule states:

Keep It Spam-Free

Do ensure that all posts contain relevant content and substance and are not simply vehicles for external links (including links in the signature).

There are too ways to comply to that rule: have substantial posts (the ones on this thread are dubious); or, do not put (commercial) links in your signature.

hello guys i love someone but i scared becsause if i propose and she say no so that time what should i do that time we are best friend and we are sharing everything that's why i scared so tell me i propose her ya not?

My two cents on the subject. Getting a "no" is not the end of the world, it might just mean you get to keep a good friend and starting looking elsewhere for a mate, or it might mean she's not ready for that yet but at least it'll be clear that you are and that she should start looking at your relationship in that light to figure out if it might work or not. If you don't ask, you'll never know either way, and she won't know either. I say give it a shot, but if it is a "no", try to be understanding and figure out what kind of "no" it is.

Find a cave, and live in it.

commented: lol +0
commented: rofl!! +0
commented: funny as hell +0

@gerbil, lol but that's a bit mean...

For heavens sake Gerbil, Dont tell the truth.
Everyone has been trying to avoid that thought; Marriage = Mother in law

I discovered,as well as the prior reply,

that Wife is software

wife 1.0 was supposed to be an inplace upgrade of girlfriend 3.0,
wife 1.0 has many un-documented features
wife 1.0 interacted detrimentally with wallet
wife 1.0 interacted detrimentally with bank account
wife 1.0 interacted detrimentally with friends, deleted all existing friends versions, and installed the incompatible "OurFriends"
wife 1.0 interacted detrimentally with fun, deleted fun and installed the incompatible "WeekendWork"
wife 1.0 interacted detrimentally with career

Wife 2.0 has none of the bugs of Wife 1.0
wallet, bank account, friends, football, career, travel, holiday, FUN, restored to prior settings

I love my wife (2.0)

Attempt Humour

@spyindiarahul:-Don't do this,if you are in search of true love.

Women want to be wooed, so buy her some nice jewelry, go out to places you both like, have some fancy dinners, and when she is in her best mood you ask the question.

You need to talk to her and propose her instead of thinking much otherwise one day she might say "Be a Man". :P
Joke apart.

The only slution is by talking.It is rightly said:-"The best way to resolve any problem in the human world is for all sides to sit down and talk."

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Question is obsolete. OP is a sig spammer.

commented: yep +0

if this kind of threads is what they need to 'advertize' their product, .... , might tell us something about the quality of said product.

commented: yep +0

If you are not very handsome, things get tough. How about a sports car to impress her with?

@bumsfeld, i was thinking a shiny rock is most effective ;)

Just read the news, "Iron pyrites boulder hits woman in head", but it did get her attention

commented: ROFL +0

@almostbob, Lol

if this kind of threads is what they need to 'advertize' their product, .... , might tell us something about the quality of said product.

quality of sad products you mean? :)

commented: hehe +0

Surely someone can write a program for this problem?

This is simple! Just ask and she'll either say yes or no. If yes then your doom awaits (jk) and if no then at least you'll spare yourself some real heart-ache later on.

In all my youth-like wit, I proposed to my wife with the following question:

Would you object to not marrying me?

Worked like a charm and as far as I'm concerned, doesn't give her the option to say no and mean it.

commented: hahha.... ;) +0
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