couldn't yield any

any longer when

(thanks you mentioned the tough word, otherwise I would have got to go to :D )

Better look it up. Croissant doesn't really mean wife -- it was an allegory... :)

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when his daddy

Better look it up. Croissant doesn't really mean wife -- it was an allegory... :)

Even download Wordweb, its really good. Croissant: Very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll

yelled at him "..

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

how the hell

can i feed

this fiery dragon

who is fumming

and is about

to strike with

with carbon monoxide

that is sure

to bring about..

a very nasty..

death blow which..

kills everything in

a single swipe

?" I just laughed.

How is such..

a boob related

going to do

((am I missing something? how do the last two posts relate to their previous posts?))

How is such a boob related single swipe going to do


anything against this


(Sorry I accidentally missed the (a) from lol_hacker101 's post. I hope I have got it back on track.)

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would really be

something to look

at for more

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so that he

can do what

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we all want

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