Hi All, had a bit of time to myself and started reading some poetry (out of choice!). This was prompted by the centenary of one of our greatest poets (in English anyway), Dylan Thomas. Hadn't read "Do not go Gentle into that Good Night" since I was in school. Reading it again bent me into a few shapes. I've been reading the old love classics by Donne and O'Reilly ("A White Rose"), but chasing poetry on the internet leaves me cold. Does anybody have any particular favourites?

RobertHDD commented: Very Good +0
pritaeas 2,194 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator Featured Poster
Reverend Jim 5,179 Hi, I'm Jim, one of DaniWeb's moderators. Moderator Featured Poster
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ddanbe 2,724 Professional Procrastinator Featured Poster

ddanbe 2,724 Professional Procrastinator Featured Poster


diafol commented: Heh heh. V. good +0
Bramin 0 Newbie Poster
Lardmeister 461 Posting Virtuoso
ddanbe 2,724 Professional Procrastinator Featured Poster
RobertHDD 15 Posting Whiz in Training
clairestreb 0 Newbie Poster

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