Hmm... lets see how good are the members of this cool community. I will start a thread in which people can ask fun puzzles which have an obvious solution and other people can try answering them along with the logic furnished with the solution. After all we need something to oil our rusty cogs up I'll start:

If a man earns Rs 20 on first day and spends Rs 15 on second day ,and earns Rs 20 on third day and spends Rs 15 on fourth day and goes on on which day he will be having Rs 60. HINT (This is not as easy as it looks)

at the end of every other day he will have Rs 5 left. So the answer must be (60/5) * 2 = 24th day.

BTY: what is Rs ?

at the end of every other day he will have Rs 5 left. So the answer must be (60/5) * 2 = 24th day.

Hehe wrong...
Looks like you didnt take a look at my hint, this question is not that straight forward, more like a puzzle.

BTY: what is Rs ?

Its the currency in our country (india)
Rs => rupees ( pronounced as rupiece )

on which day he will be having Rs 60

I assumed that meant on which day will he have accumulated Rs 60. If that is an incorrect assumption, then please explain what it means.

I assumed that meant on which day will he have accumulated Rs 60. If that is an incorrect assumption, then please explain what it means.

Heh you sure are sharp on the uptake :D

Yes, you assumed it incorrectly, he doesnt need to accumulated Rs. 60, just that on which day he will have Rs 60 ?

Impossible question to answer -- how many Rs did he start with? how many did he get from his sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle ... ? How much did he have in his piggy bank? He certainly did not earn 60 on any given day, so that's obviously not the right answer. I'm going to stop guessing and let someone else try to guess. :)

Hehe giving up so easily !!!
The man starts off with zero rupees. He doesnt get any from his relatives and has no piggy bank. From day one he starts getting Rs 20 and then on the second day spends Rs 15

1 => 20
2 => 5 ( since he has spend 15)
3 => 25
4 => 10 ....

I hope you are getting the math, keep doing this till he has in his hands ( he currently holds) Rs 60.

Simple, isnt it !!! :D

Ah Ha! my original solution was almost there --
(40/5) * 2 = 16
he gets another 20 on day 17, so on day 17 he has Rs 60 in his hand.

Hehe bulls eye Mr. Ancient Dragon, i must admit you really have good logical reasoning abilities.

Now lets see what you have got, or do I again get to be the one posting a question here ??? :D

This is a really old one -- you might or might not have heard it before, but an easy one to do in your head.

A king has 10 slaves. Each slave makes a gold trinket with a unique design and weighs exacely 1 oz. One day the king learns that one of his slaves is stealing some of the gold and his trinkets weigh something less than 1 oz. Using a scale and with only one weighing how can the king find out who the thief is ?

Let all slaves on the end of one day register what Trinket they made, then put 5 Trinket's on one side of the balance and the other 5 ont the other side, if one Trinket is lighter one side should be more up then the other. Then take one trinket of each side and if the Balance get's straight the Trinket you just got of the side that was more up is the lighter one. Then just find out to what slave it belongs.

Hope that counts as one time weighting :P

Hope that counts as one time weighting :P

Nope, it doesn't. And the king already knows who makes what trinkets. Its not a balance type scale but a scale that displays the weight of whatever is put on it.

How does the king know that one of the slaves is stealing the gold used for making the trinkets ???
This means he must have weighed it and so he knows who the thief is ???

Please explain Mr. AD

How does the king know that one of the slaves is stealing the gold used for making the trinkets ???
This means he must have weighed it and so he knows who the thief is ???

Please explain Mr. AD

not relevant to the problem. But I suppose he has a spy that told him, and his spy is ALWAY correct.

Bah... I give up..
I am sure i could have got the answer, it just doest click.

Well you could always use water displacement...heh

Place all 10 trinkets on the scale 9.9 ounces (for example) remove a trinket 8.9 ounces so trinket ok, takes next one 8.0 ounces now on the scale so thats the dodgy one.

Any good ?

Ok, here is the answer: put 1 trinket from the first slave on the scale, 2 from the second slave, 3 from the third, ... and 10 from the 10th slave. If no one was stealing gold the trinkets will weigh exactly 55 oz (or 1559.22 grams ). But since the thief was taking 1 gr from each trinket they will weigh 1 gr times the thief number less than 55. If the thief was the 1st slave, then the pile of trinkets will weigh 1558.22 grams. If the thief was the second slave, then the pile will weigh 1557.22 grams ... and if he were the 10th slave the pile will weigh 1549.22 grams.

the thief was taking 1 gr from each trinket

You didn't tell this initially. We all thought that the cheat could steal only from his trinket. So the total was always 1 gram less than 55 oz. :eek:

You didn't tell this initially. We all thought that the cheat could steal only from his trinket. So the total was always 1 gram less than 55 oz. :eek:

The thief steals 1 gr of gold from each trinket he makes so the total is (1 * thief number) gr less than 55 oz.

One day the king learns that one of his slaves is stealing some of the gold and his trinkets weigh something less than 1 oz.

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