"Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said.
They came. He pushed them, And they flew..."
- Guillaume Apollinaire
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
wenbnet commented: hmmm, very true +0
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
anirudh33 -4 Light Poster
flagstar 111 Practically a Master Poster
jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
flagstar 111 Practically a Master Poster
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
jingda 135 Industrious Poster Featured Poster
flagstar 111 Practically a Master Poster
chrishea 182 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
Shanti C 106 Posting Virtuoso
wenbnet commented: Very Nice +0
wenbnet 9 Practically a Posting Shark
wenbnet 9 Practically a Posting Shark
Muralidharan.E commented: True +0
anirudh33 -4 Light Poster
harinath_2007 56 Posting Whiz
harinath_2007 56 Posting Whiz
harinath_2007 56 Posting Whiz
debasisdas 580 Posting Genius Featured Poster
harinath_2007 56 Posting Whiz
AnkushChander 0 Newbie Poster
Netcode 33 Veteran Poster
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