I've always wondered this. Do sites like f4e1.com, trainn.com, and others really work? I mean you complete one offer and they send you like an xbox or a ps3 or an ipdo for free. Are they real, or just scams. And they even have testimonials from people who supposevely free stuff. What do you guys think?

I've read magazine articles talking about them. And yes, they're perfectly legal.

How it works is they force you to sign up for a number of trial offers. Some force you to make your friends do it, too. Then you have to wait until the offers have almost expired, because if they catch you canceling all of the offers the very next day, the deal's off. From what I've heard, it takes about a month of work and organization to get it.

And then of course I've read stories of angry people who cancel their offers, yet they get extra bills on their credit card. And then it gets into a sticky mess.

So basically if your time is worth more than your money, don't do it.

I tried one of them, i put my good ol' spam account email (gmail for when i dont want to use my regular one). And hey presteo, hit up 600 spam emails in 30 days, all advertising free stuff/deals.

And the laptop i originally went for? Not there after you answer the questions. Boo!

well, in that case. I found this website:
You do one offer, and have 11 other people do it and you get a free 360. The one offer that's good is the stamps.com. You get a 4 week trial, which you can cancel and not pay a dime. So I think I'll try it. If any one wants to help me, here's the link http://www.360Elite4free.com/index.php?ref=4049394

and when you make an account, choose referal, not points.

the email saying this thread has a reply got sent to my spam because of "free stuffs" i guess. :D

oh i signed up to something else. cant remember what it was now. So far i got nothing from it. Supposed to fill in surverys and when you do enough you get £50 or something.

edit: yougov.com!

Why would you want an Xbox 360 anyway. They Suck. Something like 15% of all units sold have come up with a hardware fault.

Some sayings:

"You get what you pay for"
"If you get something for free, it's worth every penny"
"Mutton dressed as lamb"

Greed and stupidity (of the consumer) can be effective marketing tools.

Why would you want an Xbox 360 anyway. They Suck. Something like 15% of all units sold have come up with a hardware fault.

Excuse me? That 15% was the first batch of 360's. Yes some had defects, but most of the time it was people. People didn't plugin the power cord rigth, which caused the 360 to shutdown after 20 minutes of use. The 360 might not be superior in hardware to the PS3, but it is so much better than the PS3. Besides, Halo 3 is for xbox only.

hey... what about those sites that supposedly pay you for filling surveys and testing products and attending focus groups and stuff?

I got my Porsche that way!

really? how effective is it?

hey... what about those sites that supposedly pay you for filling surveys and testing products and attending focus groups and stuff?

Thats what i posted a link to, well a forum with a list of em.

ok... sorry... missed that... :P

but... my question is... are they as effective as they're said to be?

Not for me, i signed up to 2. So far i have heard.... nothing. from either. It's been months.

didja have to pay to get in?

that offer is not available in my area... :(

Excuse me? That 15% was the first batch of 360's. Yes some had defects, but most of the time it was people. People didn't plugin the power cord rigth, which caused the 360 to shutdown after 20 minutes of use. The 360 might not be superior in hardware to the PS3, but it is so much better than the PS3.

I have had 4 break on me (a launch, a 2006, an early 2007 and a brand new elite)

but they are better than ps3 :)

That's unfortunate, jbennet. I've only had good expiriences with 360's. I know the people that have them haven't had any problems with them. the PS3 just sucks and it's too expensive, plus there are no games for it, at least not yet.

exactly. The 360 rocks.

PS3 looks more of a brick than the old xbox did (lol at the time ps2 owners said haha xbox is a ugly brick. well, well, well lets just look at the ps3 vs 360 NOW shall we ? ;) )

I have a PS2 and am hoping to switch over to the 360 soon. jbennet is right, the 360 looks a lot better than the PS3

DO NOT buy the core system. Premium or elite ONLY.

definatlely agree, if you want the most out of your 360, i would buy the premium, as it will work out cheaper than having to buy all the accerories for it

thank you, the lower price of the core did look appealing but I researched the cost of the hard drive, after you mentioned the accessories thing and it brings the price right up to the premium model.

The core is rubbish. False economy

Wait 6 months or so as MS plan to retire the "core" system and update the premium system to have HDMI like the new elite does.

he said it!! ^^^

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