I see a potential problem with the new format regarding code tags. Before, you had the option of doing this:
// paste code here - Courier-style fomatting, multiple spaces allowed, but no line numbers or syntax highlighting.
or this:
// paste code here - Courier-style fomatting, multiple spaces allowed, line numbers and syntax highlighting.
Both had their place. Very often I would choose to use the non-syntax specific code tags since I wanted to highlight something in red or because something was pseudocode rather than code and I didn't want the syntax highlighting, or it perhaps wasn't code at all, but I wanted something that would preserve the spacing and [quote] tags wouldn't do because they tend to disappear when replying to replies.
This option has apparently disappeared. When you type in:
if you are in the C++ forum, you get the line numbers and syntax highlighting. I just posted on a new thread, saw it was happening, and changed it. But you have a whole bunch of old posts that look bad now, like this one: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post965858-19.html
You get stuff like this now:
<span style="color:Red">cout << "i = " << i << " Decrementing lCount\n"; </span>
coupled with instructions to look at the red line, which is no longer red.
Any way we can change back to the old way, without automatic language-specific syntax highlighting, or at least only make it automatic when parsing NEW threads?