Cant figure out whats wrong with code.
This is code should "write a program to compute the interest due, total amount due, and the minimum payment for a revolving credit account. The program accepts account balance as input from a file, then adds on the interest to get the total amount due."
Been try my best to make code but cant get rid of last two error.
Please help!!
Very new to c++ just started 4 months ago and still a novice.

The code is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // I/O
#include <iomanip> // For setw()
using namespace std;

ofstream     outputfile("output.txt");     // Output file

const int MAX_FILE_NAME = 35;
const double INTEREST_RATE1 = 0.010;
const double INTEREST_RATE2 = 0.010;
const double LEVEL_ONE_BALANCE = 1000.00;
const double MINIMUM_PAYMENT = 10.00;
const double MINIMUM_PAYMENT_PERCENT = 0.10;

class Account
Account( double Balance, double InterestRate1, double InterestRate2);
Account( );
double Payment();
double InterestDue();
double TotalAmountDue();
void output(ostream &out); // Print values on output stream out(); 

double balance;
double interest;
double payment;
double interest_rate1;
double interest_rate2;
double total_amount_due;

void open_input(ifstream& input, char name[]);
void process_file(ifstream& input);

int main ()

char again;
char file_name[MAX_FILE_NAME + 1];
ifstream input_numbers;

cout << "This program calculates values\n"
    << "customer invoices.\n" << endl;

        system ("cls");
        open_input(input_numbers, file_name);

        cout << "\n Another File?" << endl;
        cin >> again;
        cin.ignore(256, '\n');  
    while (again == 'y' || again == 'Y');

        cout << "\nEnd!!!!!" << endl;
        outputfile << "\nThanks for using program";

        return 0;}

        void open_input (ifstream& input, char name[]);

            int count = 0;

        { count++; 
            if (count !=1)
            { cout << "\n\aInvalid file or it does not exist." << endl;


        cout << "\nEnter the input file name,please. (maximum of " << MAX_FILE_NAME
            << " characters please)\n:>";
        cin.get(name, MAX_FILE_NAME + 1);
        cin.ignore(256, '\n');
        while ( );

    void process_file(ifstream& input)

            double value;

        Account thisAccount;
        while (input >> value)
            thisAccount = Account (value, INTEREST_RATE1, INTEREST_RATE2);


            Account::Account ( double Balance, double InterestRate1, double InterestRate2)

                balance = Balance;
                interest_rate1 = InterestRate1;
                interest_rate2 = InterestRate2;

                balance = 0;
double Account::InterestDue()
    return interest;
double Account::TotalAmountDue()
void Account::output(ostream &out)

double Account:: Payment( )

double newbalance; 

if ( balance > LEVEL_ONE_BALANCE)
     interest = (balance - LEVEL_ONE_BALANCE) * interest_rate2 + LEVEL_ONE_BALANCE * interest_rate1;
     interest = balance * interest_rate1;

newbalance = balance + interest;

payment = newbalance* MINIMUM_PAYMENT_PERCENT;

if ( newbalance < MINIMUM_PAYMENT)
     payment = newbalance;
     if ( payment < MINIMUM_PAYMENT)

return payment;
void Account::output(ostream &out)

{  out.setf(ios::fixed);      out.setf(ios::showpoint);     out.precision(2);
   out << "\n\nInterestDue : $" << setw(8) << InterestDue << endl;
   out <<  "  TotalAmountDue  : $" << setw(8) << TotalAmountDue << endl;
   out <<  "Payment   : $" << setw(8) << Payment<< endl;

Hello and welcome to Daniweb.
Usually all the friendly people here would give a prompte response.
You haven't had any yet. I'm not gonna go into your code right now, but instead take a look at your posting problem.

First of all, you want to get rid of your last error. What is the error? What part is working and which doesn't?

Secondly, where's your code tags? Wrap your code in [code] tags, to make it easily readable and to give some syntax highlighting.

Lastly, your copying of the code seemed to miss out your code formatting. Or maybe you haven't even done your formatting at all? This is important, otherwise your code is junk to read and hard to manage and maintain.

Fix those problems by editing your original post, and I'm sure you'll get your help! :)
Good luck!


  1. u forgot ';' after class body

    class Account

  2. u wrote extra ';' after function prototype which must be omitted
    void open_input (ifstream& input, char name[]);

    // body

and here also

void open_input (ifstream& input, char name[]);
// body
  1. u wrote a bracket '{' in wrong way

    double Account::TotalAmountDue()
    u may write it like
    double Account::TotalAmountDue()

  2. this function prototype is extra

    void Account::output(ostream &out)

should be removed

  1. this method must return a value

    double Account::TotalAmountDue()
    return 4;

Hope Helping, and Have a Fun :)

There were a lot more errors than 2. In your output function you are missing some pairs of parentheses.

As Excizted mentioned please learn to use code tags. Type in


//code goes here

It makes it very difficult to see what's going on with your code when the formatting is removed.

thank farag>

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