This is the internet, not a Victorian era discussion between "gentlemen".
Stop feeding the trolls; then they eventually shrivel up and die. Their child-like mentality thrives for attention; this thread is just encouragement for their behavior.
This is the internet, not a Victorian era discussion between "gentlemen".
Stop feeding the trolls; then they eventually shrivel up and die. Their child-like mentality thrives for attention; this thread is just encouragement for their behavior.
I apologise but he is out of hand and I have had to respond with vulgar language.
Those multiple uses of highly unnaceptable language just earnt you a 5 point infraction.
I apologise but he is out of hand and I have had to respond with vulgar language.
You "had to" respond with vulgar language? Unless Bob has successfully placed a voodoo curse on you, he doesn't have the power to force your fingertips to type a bad word with the keyboard and click the "Submit Reply" button.
kaninelupus is more than able to stick up for himself and he gives as good as he gets, so you don't need to come to his aid against Bob.
VernonDozier, a +1 to you. Couldnt have said it better myself.
Hi all,
Jupiter 2 just gave me a link to this thread, This is my last reply to his last post, I am glad he has taken your advice and is playing nicely.
Originally Posted by Jupiter 2
Bob_180_Bob - you are an effing idiot and an effing fool as all you do is research other people's answers but don't really offer any profound help. If you spent as much time researching the Question rather than other people's answers, you would get better results, I'm sure.
Your snide remarks to me and also other posters is offensive.
If you do not agree with a posting just say you don't agree with it. You don't need to ball them out in the forum like a naughty child. It is not your place to do this. You are just a Poster, like the rest of us.
If you don't like our answers, go to another forum where they will appreciate your "advice".
I have tried to show you all the mistakes that you have made in a private forum, your private message box, but you blocked me as you do not want advice on your incorrect self serving posts. I do not want the public to read your silly posts and think that they could have some merit. If I can not inform you in any other way I need to do it here. You have admitted that everything I have said is correct, your answers are wrong and misleading and yet you continue to post them. The public need to understand that you have about 5% correct answers, and not to just jump in and follow blindly what you offer. You defender has also admitted he is also wrong with what he has said and now he has started doing what he should have done in the first place, trying to discover more information to help the poster. The two of you continue on this assault on me because I pointed out you inability to give correct information. Unlike you I am not looking for "Points" I only want what is best for the posters and it certainly is not what you are offering.
I have only posted to you to show you where you have made a mistake, I have never just attacked you. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life and I have learned from them. I will continue to make mistakes and I hope that some one will point out where I hav be mistaken so I can fix it. That is all I have been trying to do with you. You have taken offence and I am very sorry about that. The moderators will need to step in on this problem as it is just being escalated by the two of you and something needs to be done. This is the only place where I post (Daniweb) and I would hate to think that Jupiter 2 was posting his uninformed information on other sites as well. I will be staying here to help posters (if the moderators will permit me) so I will not be going away. So as was suggested (instructed) by crunchie in a much earlier post "Play nicely"
This was his last reply with the link...
Bob - You are this | | close to being banned.
Have your right of reply to this Question
Got to say i agree with Bob on this one. P.S i snipped out all the swearing and name calling from the thread in question when infracting Jupiter2. As i said in that thread, just play nicely.
So, everyone thinks Bob is okay to pick on other people's answers.
If he just disagreed with the answer, fine, but he picks it to death and treats the answerer like a child.
Juzst you guys wait till he starts on you lot then you will know I'm right about him.
I accept that some, or most, of my answrs have been done in haste but as an older generation person, my mind is not as sharp as some of you younger people. Also, being disabled, I'm unable to sometimes clarify the point I'm trying to make.
Thi is my last post to this forum. I quit.
Bob, you win. Carry on with your snide remarks, I'm sure other people will appreciate them more than I ever did.
I accept that some, or most, of my answrs have been done in haste but as an older generation person, my mind is not as sharp as some of you younger people. Also, being disabled, I'm unable to sometimes clarify the point I'm trying to make.
Oh so now your trying to blame it on your age and disabilities :D I don't see how either is relevent to your problems here.
I'm 61 and on an Australian war service pension for injuries sustained during my term in Viet Nam, So I am sorry you are old and infirmed as I know how I feel and I can only assume that you feel similar. I try to do as much as I can to make life better. I am very heavily restricted as to what I can do, I can only drive a short distance and I can not stand for any length of time. I have had one major back operation and can not have another without probably ending up in a wheelchair. I own a small business which I can help out at times by keeping the PCs working and I assist in my community as much as I can. It makes me feel better to know I can make a difference and I don't worry about my own problems. So, yes I do feel very sorry for you as I know what a disability is like.
Well, if we want to talk about our ages -- I'm 66 and retired American Air Force (1985). Fortunately I survived View Nam with no injuries. But I would not presume so much as to use my age as am excuse for being an old grouch. Nor are old war injuries an excuse for being nasty here at DaniWeb.
Ancient Dragon, new favourite golden oldie :P
Really though, this whole thread just sounds a lot like "he said", "she said". I havent heart an argument like this since primary school :S
But I would not presume so much as to use my age as am excuse for being an old grouch.
Your age only added the word 'old', right ? j/k :D
Wow! This thread is unbelievable and you guys are mind blowing! :P
wow , none of mine haver gone this far !lol
i say both of you stat putt ,and stop fighting ,and just giving good answers .
good luck
Nor are old war injuries an excuse for being nasty here at DaniWeb.
My statement about my age and disabilities were only expressed to inform Jupiter 2 that I also am aged and have disabilities and I know how it makes me feel with my situation so I do feel for him in his. I never offered my situation as an excuse for anything. Nor would I try to excuse what I did, I knew what I was doing, I thought and still think it was the correct action. I don't ask for or expect any sympathy for my situation. My disabilities are very restrictive but most times that I go anywhere, I see others much worse off than I am. I thank God that I am as good as I am. As you have expressed your feelings, as you did, in regard to my war injuries, I am very sorry that I ever mentioned them. I will keep my personal situation to myself in future.
i think i'm going to go visit all of Bob's prior posts and upvote them all.
Just found this thread and have read each post (a bit sad, I know). The more I read, the more unbelievable I found it. How old are you guys? Grow up for #### sakes. Terminal victims and pitbull geriatrics. What next?
My statement about my age and disabilities were only expressed to inform Jupiter 2 that I also am aged and have disabilities and I know how it makes me feel with my situation so I do feel for him in his. I never offered my situation as an excuse for anything. Nor would I try to excuse what I did, I knew what I was doing, I thought and still think it was the correct action. I don't ask for or expect any sympathy for my situation. My disabilities are very restrictive but most times that I go anywhere, I see others much worse off than I am. I thank God that I am as good as I am. As you have expressed your feelings, as you did, in regard to my war injuries, I am very sorry that I ever mentioned them. I will keep my personal situation to myself in future.
Well boo-hoo to you!! There are a number of DaniWeb members who know what it is like to like with with chronic pain (myself included) or severe disabilities, and yes, most of us have had our moments where tolerance has dropped. But to even suggest/imply that it in some way justifies thuggish our outright predatory behaviour?? Gimme a break! You are not so much the geriatric that you lack either the necessary mental functionality and/or the physical motor skills to involve yourself within this site, so your point is moot.
Sorry "Bob", but you've said you would rather such "debates" be carried out in private, but it seems your idea of that is to be able to drop insulting and down-right rude or inflammatory dialogues into ppl's in-box, then return any responses unread! Seems you've created this inevitable scenario all by yourself.
I think, perhaps, now is the right time for this thread to wind down - or at least for participants to step back and take a deep breath before posting.
Let's not have it become a slanging match, or I will simply close the thing.
This message not aimed at anyone in particular, more just a measure of the rising thread temperature overall.
Yeah. Got to agree with that.
Sorry for being a bit antsy lately (i have been a bit harsh on poor bob)
Well boo-hoo to you!! There are a number of DaniWeb members ...
I think you got that backward. It was Jupiter2 who offered those as excuses. Bob only mentioned that he too was older and has injury to deal with, so he knew what that felt like. He was not claiming those as an excuse for anything. You're flaming the wrong side there.
is it just me, or does kaninelupus always seem to be the guy shouting "me-too" every time the attention is directed away from him?
*sigh* Some people never learn....
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