Working on a new feature that will accept tutorial submissions. How many of you guys would actually contribute unique tutorials to DaniWeb? :) (Just trying to get a rough idea that will help guide me on how to set this thing up)

If I get a good topic I may. But it won't be one after the other.

I have a number of tutorials that are partially complete, as I've had trouble finding the time to complete them. But now, I've started to teach tutorials on C++ at my university, so, I must "produce" now. So, you'll probably see a few tutorials from me soon. ;)

I may rewrite a number of my tutorials and close down my site if Daniweb's interface is suitable for...shall we say, somewhat longer tuts with plenty of awesome code? ;) I don't think I've seen any really long ones yet.

I think most of what I do is more suited to code snippets but I'd be willing to hammer out a few if any requested topics come up in

I'm pretty much the same as pritaeas:

If I get a good topic I may. But it won't be one after the other.

Wow, I'm excited to hear about all the positive feedback related to creating an easy way to submit tutorials. Up until this point, the functionality has been in place in the back end, but only available to pre-approved Staff Writers.

I'm excited to open this functionality up to everyone!!

You can now submit tutorial drafts by simply creating a new thread and selecting Tutorial Draft from the dropdown.

I will be doing this eventually to I think! I have some ideas but It requires a lot of planning to make them good due to it's sometimes complex nature.

Hmmm... i think i am interested in submitting some tutorials in the web design forum... :D

Someone enlighten us on the specifics of tutorial drafts - are they publicly visible? I take it they're editable until published or something?

Drafts are not publicly visible. They're editable until you mark them as ready for publication, at which time they will be reviewed by a member of the editorial team (currently myself or Davey), and then pushed live.

Sweet, sounds reasonable. Can they be edited after publication?

Sweet, sounds reasonable. Can they be edited after publication?

No, but you have infinite time to review and edit them before you mark them as ready for publishing.

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