Is it just me or isn't this a bit dangerous option? ( Like Format C: (Y/N) ). Once you uncheck all and press save, all your contacts are gone unrecoverably? I am too chicken to press and see what happens.

Tried to upload a screenshot of this option, but couldn't upload the picture. Don't know if it was on my end. Nothing could be attached.

I'm also getting an error with attachments, so I will look into that in a few minutes. I really don't think it's too dangerous of an option because you're not really deleting anything serious ... just your listing of people you want quick access to know when they're online. It's no different than deleting your list of favorites or a group in your buddy list, only it provides even less info ;)

DaniWeb logo attached. Yay! :)

Nope. Can't upload still.

Anyway, uncheck all does not clear my buddy list?

For me uncheck all deselected the little checkboxes next to all the names of my buddies. Then you have to click the Save List button.

Nope. Can't upload still.

Wht error message are you seeing? Can anyone else confirm it still isn't working for them?

For me uncheck all deselected the little checkboxes next to all the names of my buddies. Then you have to click the Save List button.

Okay. Is this a recoverable? or should I go back inviting them again if I did the above in mistake?

Wht error message are you seeing?

Upload of file failed.

Are you trying to upload a file less than 1MB (I believe that's the limit).

yeah. it is only 100 KB.

Hey. I got a notification PM when somebody added me to their Contact List asking if I wanted to do reciprocate the action. Looks like I don't get them anymore because I saw a lot of pending invitations. If possible I would like to start getting them again.

Even I have stopped getting the PM for the request for adding a person to the contact list. When i had joined, it used to come (if Wolfie would remember, he sent me a contact list invitation through a PM )

But nowadays there is no PM when someone wants to add me to his contact list ??

Go into your Control Panel and then into Options. Under Messaging and Notification , make sure that "Disable Contact Invitation PMs" is not checked.

I had a look, no it is not checked. I dont know if this is in any way related to the topic, but the people who send my Contact List invitations appear in my Contact list but with a "add as buddy" written below their name ?

Yes ... you're in those people's contact lists but they're not in yours. Will check to see if it's a bug on my end that contact list invitations are no longer sent.

I don't know if the attachments thing is still playing, but I can attach stuff.

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