Hi there everyone.

I have recently seen many posts in which people are really happy with the resources provided in that thread and post their thanksgiving making the thread lose its purpose. Even newbies resurrect dead threads just to say thanks.

I was wondering why not make DaniWeb a no nonsense techincal stuff site by adding a feature wherein people who like the content can give their comments without deffering from the original topic.

For eg. why not keep a "Give Feedback" and "View Feedbacks" Button at the bottom at the post wherein the user who like the thread content can press Give Feedback and post a short comment ( U can limit the size you know, eg. 255 chars) and other ppl can see the feedbacks given usig the "View Feedbacks" button.

How to you like the idea, well just call it a passing thought.

That IS the idea behind giving reputation within a post. I think what you're suggesting is to make reputation comments public.

I think you are confusing my idea with the reputation system on forums.devshed.com.

Rep can only be given by ppl who have enough to give to others while thanksgiving can be given by any one who is impressed with the content of the post.

This will hopefully solve the matter of newbies hijacking threads just to show how helpful the specific post was to them.

I don't know, let's say you are an newby and you suddenly feel the un underpresseble urge to post your thankword in an five year old thread, you think your first going to find out what some 'give feedback' button means?
I don't think it will decrease the number of times that happends.

I have to agree with Anonymusius, your first reaction is to post and say thanks... a nice thought, but very annoying for others when the thread keeps resurfacing.

Maybe it should be that some older threads (especially those which have been solved if it was a Q/A for a problem) should be read-only, no replys allowed.

You see, I found this (wonderful) website via a search engine while looking for a solution. The thread that I found was about 2 years old and listed a very similar problem to mine (unfortunatey the solution didn't work in my case) but then I had a look around, saw that it's a great place, and decided to register. If the solution had worked I might just have replied...

I have, on previous occasions, found other websites who leave up the threads, but they are marked as "closed" so no more replies could be added to that thread. Maybe you could then, on these "closed" threads, add a "I found this helpful" or "Thanksgiving" link that rated the thread or added to the reputation of the chosen member/s (those who solved the problem). You'd possibly have to make it that anyone could submit so that you don't get people signing up just to say thanks.

Or maybe when there hasn't been posted in an thread for over 10 days red text appears above the reply button "Do you know that there haven't been posted in this thread for over 10 days?"

I think that might help (Maybe to for thread bumping in general)

I don't know, let's say you are an newby and you suddenly feel the un underpresseble urge to post your thankword in an five year old thread, you think your first going to find out what some 'give feedback' button means?
I don't think it will decrease the number of times that happends.

But the thing is that, if we have four buttons instead of the normal three buttons which we all see at the bottom of a post with "Give Feedback" clearly written, i think even a ten year old should be able to understand that what it is intended for. If he can find out how to bump the thread he has to be able to find how to give feedback.

The kids nowadays are intelligent you know !!!

Not many newbies bump a thread to say thanks. When something like that occurs it is up to the moderators to educate the users (usually by deleting the unwanted post and giving the reason-this sents an automatic PM telling the user about their offence). Once they get to know that thread bumping is not good, they usually don't do it again. Trying to cripple users by enforcing little things like that only clutters the webpage.

Or maybe when there hasn't been posted in an thread for over 10 days red text appears above the reply button "Do you know that there haven't been posted in this thread for over 10 days?"

I think that might help (Maybe to for thread bumping in general)

Once a thread has been marked solved, a similar message appears above the quick reply box.

You also have to remember, a big thing which we have been trying to push recently is that we're a fully interactive community and not just a technical support bug tracker.

Hmm got it. Anyways thanks.

Keep the suggestions coming. Please don't take this as me shooting your idea down, k?

Hello folks.

I dont frequent this forum a whole lot, but whenever I have anything computer-related to deal with, this is the first place I visit.

I appreciate the clean, neat look of the forum, and I'd like to suggest making navigation easier by adding a collapse function to the various forum sections on the [very long] forum index.

The purpose of the forum index is to provide a single place to demonstrate everything we offer. I suspect most people navigate the site via the dropdown menus.

Don't know about everyone else; I never use the forum jump buttons, mainly because it's too far down on the page, and mainly because I don't think of it.

Don't know about everyone else; I never use the forum jump buttons, mainly because it's too far down on the page, and mainly because I don't think of it.

Yes, now that you mention it, even i have never used it. Too far down the page. I prefer using drop down menus, they are the best.

I didn't mean the forum jump menu. I meant the dropdown menus at the top of the page.

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