Just thought I'd drop by and introduce myself. I feel a little guily as I joined up about a month ago, and was intending to introduce myself, but as I have been busy, I sort of put it aside. Well anyway, about me:
I am a mature age student (I dont feel it necessary to reveal my true age yet!) who is currently studying for a diploma in IT (software development) at TAFE. Tafe, for non-aussies, stands for Technical and Further Education. Its a tertiary level, mainly with skills that many industries are looking for (business, IT, hospitality, engineering etc).
This is my second year, and I have applied to University next year to do (hopefully) a Bachelor of Business Information Systems.
I have done various programming languages - html,javascript,php,sql,java,vb and am currently studying c++, which is why I have joined this forum. Some of you out there have already helped me, and I appreciate it very much!
Well, I dont know if our teacher really teaches us anything. I am finding myself constantly going over books and stuff online to help me get by.
Getting away from programming and other IT stuff, my other interests are:
Sometimes cooking (when im in the mood)
my new laptop (its ace!)
drinking coffee
playing match 3 puzzle games online

I am wondering if this is the place if you want to let off a little steam? Or is there another section in the forum just for that?
I only want to know, because there are times when I just cant get my programs to work, and I start to get frustrated and tearful, and c++ is getting me down, I just feel that I need somewhere to go to let off a little steam, where, hopefully, others will understand and listen.

Sorry that this is so long, I didnt realize!
Anyway, Cheers for now and take care!

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