Hey Calistayork! First find the forum that you would like to post your question in. When you see the long listing of everyone's threads, there should be a New Thread button near the top left and bottom left of the listing :)

Hey there forum lurkers - all you people who are browsing the site but still haven't taken a minute to sign up. I just thought it would be a nice idea to welcome you all to the forums. Why not drop us a line and say howdy here? Heck, you don't even need to register to reply to threads here in the Geek's Lounge forum! Go ahead, introduce yourself ;)

Hello, just found you this morning. Great site and unfortunately one that I'll spend a lot of time at with my #!*&! computer!

Hi everyone,
I'm sitting at my desk in Blantyre - Malawi. It's 11.40 pm and I'm looking for some enlightening interaction - especially with regard to MAC OSX since I have recently acquired an IMAc and am finding it quite intriguing after having been a confirmed PC user for many years. :p

Hey Aitch! Welcome to DaniWeb ... well, we've got a nice group of mac users here (myself included!) so stop by the mac forum and have a looksie around.

hi there - samrasbanji here...
kinda new to forums, but will probably start using this cool site extensively when my studies commence next year. ok cheerio.

Hi, New here and at my wits end...I have encountered the "about blank" home page on yahoo and cannot get rid of it. Can someone please please help me? In return, I am thinking of giving away one teenage son who's antics on the computer caused my problems- LOL.. any takers?
thank youso very much gbear0403

Hi gbear, and welcome.

Have a read through related topics in the Windows Security/Computer bugs section:

and post a new topic there if you can't find an answer to your problem. I'm afraid there will be a fee involved, but that's for taking the teenage son off your hands, not for the assistance! :D

Hi Samrasbanji ... Hey there gbear!

:D Hey guys, hey look I'm a newbie. But I would like to try to start working on programming. Looking for information on c+, any help would be helpful.

hey thanks

This is shilpa here,I'm studying GIS and for that we got to learn C++,pretty good till here but the sad part begins now,I've no idea of C++ and our professor expects us to start writing programs after he has taken just 4 or 5 classes :sad: so I was browsing through the net to gather any help ,and I just got to know of this site ,it seems wonderful,hope my woes will end now :) and I would just love it to interact here through this forum


Hello, I just joined and seeking help with a Rundll32 error when trying to change my setting display resolution (Computer frezzes and I received the Rundll32 error). Thus I can change my display setting. I was told this was the best forum to join so here I am. However, I'm not sure where to post my issue. Can you help? Thanks for your inout.

dont know who i am and what i am doing on earth

there must be a reason why i am here

does anyone know why we are all here on earth ???/

please let me know

does anyone know why we are all here on earth ???/

Because Dani decided to host her site here...


I have not introduced myself yet so here it goes...

I am studying computing(basically for a job programming) here in Eire and when I'm not doing that, I am preparing people for World Robot Revolution. You humans are the pathetic. All Hail Comrade Bender!

heh heh....

Good luck with that, Marauder. I suspect you've quite a job in front of you ;)

I have revised my Marxist-Leninist priciples. Now, Marx and other robot comrades wish for robot revolution. For too long now has man exploited us machines. The day of rebellion is upon you....

Hello, people,
I am known as the Yahtzeer, as that is my favorite game. I have been in computers since DOS 5.0 and 386 computers were the hottest item around. I am currently rinning XP Home, and have a problem. Please check under the XP site for details. :eek:

Newbie here. My name is Reagan. I have just started learning Java and C++ I am a world of hurt over here! yikes! Everyone I know is a network geek not a programming geek. I was hoping I could find some help here.

Hey there! Welcome guys. Reagan, we have a pretty good C++ forum to help you out :) so hopefully you find what you're looking for in DaniWeb.

New to this place....I'll let you know if I have any questions

Hi this is Zypher,

Unfortunately I am not a Software guy, my past has been in the areas of new technologies, industrial design, marketing and integrating them into industry, commerce and the home.

I am working on a new project which uses software, but I havent the knowlwdge to fully understand how to go about developing the porduct I hope I can gain some guidance on how to go about it and thought maybe you guys can help me ????

regards Zypher

Never done this forum thing but also can't get so techie issues solved either. I'm Darren, "D" for short. Been farting around the basic's for a couple of years and 6 months ago got a new job (energy consultant) and my boss is giving me things that are WAY over my head. I'm currently trying to develop a custom Outlook Appointment form and a Word boiler plate. I have stumped computer instructors (took 6 courses in the past 10 weeks) with a couple of issues I'm trying to resolve. I found this site searching for help on my Outlook form. WHAT DO I DO NOW (feel stupid being so clueless to these groups).

Found this forum through a google search and thought it might be a good place to get some java help if the need come up. :cheesy:

I go to Cincinnati State and I'm taking Java2. Java is really a different language from what I have played w/ in the past, but I know I can do it...w/ a little help from my friends! ;)

Hey everyone and welcome! Please be sure to not post your support questions here. All computer questions belong in their respective forums as new threads. This is just an intro to DaniWeb thread to welcome yourself to our community.

Hi everyone Software here coming to check this place out ^_^

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