The Queen of Daniweb told me that due to the nasties- such as virus & spyware to go to the other forum, due to the new one being messed up. I have never been in a forum I have read your rules & have asked for help in where to place these threads. Now I addmitted to being out of the loop of computers for some years I also informed you that I was a little behind and just need to be lead in the right direction. I even let you know honestly that the MS Dos & Dos pro languages have changed. I am totally and permanetely disabled ok? I am married to a diabled veteran also. So many symantics have also changed in the computer world, that it sometimes looks like greek to me, no not greek I know a little about that; but some technical words I don't understand. Did you know that I tried to help another person with the Virus problem, before I helped myself? That's why it took me so long to finally download the office X-P. I went by the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Instead I get 4 or 5 messages from someone I won't name, scolding me like a child that I should know better. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A FORUM. I was even thinking of donating when we got paid. This is what I get for trying to help someone else? That's not fair, I'm a newbie as you would call it & I love poetry and rhyming. I said I could be a gregarious, funloving person, when I'm at ease or relaxe, now I'm upset. The Queen of Daniweb post came up when I was trying to introduce myself, and stated that I needed to go to that other forum to put in my introduction. I'm sorry if I don't know where any thing is. I've asked for help, not a scolding. Dani you sent me an e-mail & said I would fit right in. Well so far. I don't feel that way. Anyways I hope for the best for you guys I was going to try to help another person with a slow computer problem. Things like that I am aware of, but the websights have changed and so has everything else in the years I've been away. It made me cry. Sorry for your inconveinence. Thank you.


E.G. Agapelove68

The Queen of Daniweb told me that due to the nasties- such as virus & spyware to go to the other forum, due to the new one being messed up. I have never been in a forum I have read your rules & have asked for help in where to place these threads. Now I admitted to being out of the loop of computers for some years I also informed you that I was a little behind and just need to be lead in the right direction. I even let you know honestly that the MS Dos & Dos pro languages have changed. I am totally and permanately disabled ok? I am married to a disabled veteran also. So many symantics have also changed in the computer world, that it sometimes looks like Greek to me, no not Greek I know a little about that; but some technical words I don't understand. Did you know that I tried to help another person with the Virus problem, before I helped myself? That's why it took me so long to finally download the office X-P. I went by the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Instead I get 4 or 5 messages from someone I won't name, scolding me like a child that I should know better. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A FORUM. I was even thinking of donating when we got paid. This is what I get for trying to help someone else? That's not fair, I'm a newbie as you would call it & I love poetry and rhyming. I said I could be a gregarious, fun-loving person, when I'm at ease or relaxed, now I'm upset. The Queen of Daniweb post came up when I was trying to introduce myself, and stated that I needed to go to that other forum to put in my introduction. I'm sorry if I don't know where any thing is. I've asked for help, not a scolding. Dani you sent me an e-mail & said I would fit right in. Well so far. I don't feel that way. Anyways I hope for the best for you guys I was going to try to help another person with a slow computer problem. Things like that I am aware of, but the web sights have changed and so has everything else in the years I've been away. It made me cry. Sorry for your inconveinences. Thank you.


E.G. Agapelove68

All good thing to you all!

Thank you so much Agapelove68!

There are some who will be caustic no matter what the forum. Ignore them and keep on posting questions or help. I for one will read your posts and be polite...

EG - no need to apologise for trying to help. I've had a look at your posting in the virus/spyware forum and can't see anything wrong with it being there to be honest - and I've reversed the warning you were given as a result. Don't be too hard on our moderators though, they are all volunteers and all do their best here but sometimes make mistakes, they are human too. :)

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