Hi. I'm new to this forum and to programming in general. This is my first programming class and it is in JAVA. I have been doing alright in the class, but am really struggling with this weeks program assignment. If you could help me out at all I would really appreciate it!! Thank you so much.
This is the problem I have to solve.
Unit 8 - Bank Program - Looping
Using the algorithm that you created in the last unit.
Write the Java program will solve the following problem definition.
Click on the View/Complete link to submit the program for grading.
A bank in your town updates its customer's accounts at the end of each month.
The bank offers two types of accounts, savings and checking.
Every customer must maintain a minimum balance.
If a customer's balance falls below the minimum,
there is a service fee of $10.00 for a savings account and $25.00 for checking accounts.
If the balance at the end of the month is at least the minimum balance, the account receives interest as follows:
- Savings accounts receive 4% interest
- Checking accounts with balances over $5,000 more than the minimum balance receive 3% interest; otherwise the interest is 1.5%
Minimum balance for savings accounts - 500.00
Minimum balance for checking accounts - 25.00
The data will be read from a data file that contains the following information:
account number, customer name, type of account, current balance
Record Layout of the file:
Account Number First Name Last Name AccountType Balance
The data file is attached to this assignment. The filename is bank.dat.
Please Note: The data files will be read and written to the current directory.
Use a relative pathnames for the files. The pathname to the input file
should be "bank.dat" and the pathname to the output file "bank.out".
If you use an absolute pathname like this: "c:/My Documents/ciss-110/bank.dat"
I will not be able to run your program because I do not have access to your hard drive.
This is what I have at the moment.
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class bankprogramLoop
public static void main(String[]args)
throws FileNotFoundException
//scanner infile
Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("bank.dat"));
//save to file bank.out
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter("bank.out");
double checkingMinimumBalance = 25.00;
double checkingServiceFee = 25.00;
double checkingInterestRateMin = 0.015;
double checkingInterestRateMax = 0.03;
double hihgerInterestBalance = checkingMinimumBalance + 5000;
double savingsMinimumBalance = 500.00;
double savingsServiceFee = 10.00;
double savingsInterestRate = 0.04;
int accountNumber;
String firstName;
String lastName;
double accountBalance;
double checkingInterest;
double savingsInterest;
char accountType;
double serviceFee;
double interest;
while (inFile.hasNext())
accountNumber = inFile.nextInt();
firstName = inFile.next();
lastName = inFile.next();
accountType = inFile.next().charAt(0);
accountBalance = inFile.nextDouble();
switch (accountType)
case 'c':
case 'C':
serviceFee = checkingServiceFee;
if (accountBalance < checkingMinimumBalance)
interest = accountBalance * checkingInterestRateMin;
accountBalance = (accountBalance - serviceFee) + interest;
else if (accountBalance >= (checkingMinimumBalance+hihgerInterestBalance))
interest = accountBalance * checkingInterestRateMax;
accountBalance = (accountBalance - serviceFee) + interest;
interest = accountBalance * checkingInterestRateMin;
accountBalance = (accountBalance - serviceFee) + interest;
case 's':
case 'S':
serviceFee = savingsServiceFee;
if (accountBalance < savingsMinimumBalance)
interest = accountBalance*savingsInterestRate;
accountBalance = (accountBalance - serviceFee) + interest;
interest = accountBalance * savingsInterestRate;
accountBalance = (accountBalance - serviceFee) + interest;
default: System.out.println("***INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE***");
//write accountNumber, firstName, lastName, accountType, accountBalance to output file
outFile.printf("%9.2f %20s %20s %20s %9.2f", accountNumber, firstName, lastName, accountType, accountBalance);
//close files