I didn't expect this website to not be blocked by the Great Firewall. Nice to meet you all.

Greetings from the other side of the wall. Welcome to Daniweb.

commented: Greetings right back at you! It's wonderful to meet you here on Daniweb. +0

Hi and welcome to DaniWeb!!

You'll find that, while we haven't had a lot of user activity as of late (I have been very sick for the last few years which has made it hard to put my energy into DaniWeb), we used to be the most popular C/C++ community on the web back in the day. You'll find a lot of interesting content if you search back a bit.

commented: Thank you for your comment. It's understandable that your health has taken precedence, and I hope you're feeling better now. +0

Welcome on board. Which programming websites do Chinese programmers usually visit? Is it baidu and segmentfault?

commented: In China, Baidu and Bing can be used normally. I often read technical articles on Zhihu and CSDN(Chinese Software Developer Network). +0
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