i have windows xp pro on my pc and recently installed ubuntu 7.10 but when i try to boot up the xp partition the screen just goes to starting up... and never boots into windows. i can still use ubuntu and view all my files on the windows partition but i can't boot into windows any help would be extremely grateful.

i have windows xp pro on my pc and recently installed ubuntu 7.10 but when i try to boot up the xp partition the screen just goes to starting up... and never boots into windows. i can still use ubuntu and view all my files on the windows partition but i can't boot into windows any help would be extremely grateful.

'starting up' ?

Do you mean the Windows loading screen?

If it gets to the 'Loading Windows XP' screen you may need to do a system repair with an XP disk.

If it doesn't get as far as the windows screen (which I suspect is the case) GRUB is not set up correctly. There are lots of threads about this on ubuntuforums.org

thanks... no it doesn't get to the windows screen at all its just all black and with white letters saying 'Starting Up...' in the top left corner.. i'll go check out those other forums though.

Please, can you tell me, if you started windows, and how? I have same problem, and i dont know, what to do...
Please, help me soon.

i think my problem was i overwrote the windows boot partition but i just ended up reinstalling xp and then reinstalling ubuntu and it worked out fine

You can fix it using recovery console on the XP cd

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