Hi all, hope you are well. I am starting a new job soon where I will be using a red hat distro (new to me) for development purposes. Now I have had some exposure to the linux o/s (on a degree course, used Ubuntu) but I have mainly worked with development in the .net framework on a windows o/s. Now I know this job entails use of Vi (new to me) so my question is.....
1.Are there any good Vi tutorials you can point me to?
2.Are there any pitfalls you can advise to me look out for during migration?
3.This may seem like a silly question, but is there anything like Vi (I know that Vi is an advanced text editor - is textpad the closest thing to it?) that I can use for dev on windows for practice? (I want to be prepared for job - although training is given).
Many thanks for your time!