My wifes laptop was short of harddrive space so I thought i would investigate i got rid of all the silly pictures and stuff and unwanted,unused programmes,but it oly left about 10% of free space on a 40gb drive !!!
So i thought that windows maybey was hanging on to temp files ...but no.......
The i discovered 2 things .....1 that when investigating C:/ drive 3 of the 6 items __docs and settings,window and a small boot file 4kb were in BLUE FONT COLOUR ,unlike the usuall black ad that the windows folder was 23.1GB with 22,250 files and 2.040 folders when on my laptop running identical OS it was 7.58GB with 34,604 files and 2,717 folders !!!!! HELP please techies !!!! There is probably a simple answer .....but not for my brain ....!! cheers guys !!!:-O

There is nothing to worry about, your 40 GB is relatively small.

When you want to compare the size of your Windows folder with another on different computer, you should also consider Service pack level on both machines, SP2 or SP3 + System updates on the other machine.

Keep in mind, Is the other laptop has the same installed applications ? those apps will take lots of disk space too.

If you open you windows folder you will find lots of cashed windows updates folder which is considered to be left overs of Windows updates installation files.
Those folders will have names like this $NtUninstallKB960715$

it starts with $ ...

However I recommend to backup your computer by either copying to USB drive, External Hard drive, or burning them on DVDs ..

Thanks Amlife for your input.......
Her PC is running XP Pro and with all Windows updates and SP3 !!
My PC is running XP Media Center with all updates and SP3!!

I have downloaded the windows clearout tool from MS and completed on both ........
My PC has a larger HDD but I have vastly more big programs i.e Photoshop,Corel,etc etc ......
So I still do not understand the BIG differences and the lack of HDD space on her machine ,running not so big and hungry progs !!! What about the font colour thig then ?? any ideas ??? Cheers

any more ideas anyone please ????????

hi, i have no idea why the blue font!but open the windows folder ,go view click details ,then click on size to show the large file from top to bottom and you may find the reason for the large size of the windows folder.
oh, and my windows xp pro folder is only 3.3 gig

Thanks Caperjack......I have checked each and everyone of the folders on Windows folder and according to my reckoning they do NOT add up to the 23.1 GB shown in properties....when asked they add up as normal then go from about 4 gb to 20+ Gb in a quick leap !!!! I still think this Blue font colour thing is significant !! I have run disk cleanup again and windows setup cleanup utility with no better results ......................

Yep done all of that !! along with Mallware,AVG appears to be a weard one !!!..... any ideas please people !! I usually go for the obvious route but it now is getting frustrating as there is some very unexplained stuff going on

try to download atf cleaner... it might help to increase your hdd space...

or you go to command prompt..
then at c:\
type dir /s /w /p

then manually check each many bytes its consuming.. then if that particular folder got something suspicious that it's consuming a lot of bytes.. then check it ...

hi, i have no idea why the blue font!

Blue font normally means the file is compressed.

thanks Pritaeas ,Thought the blue font was significant !!
Been through all files (bloody ages) after running ATF (thanks Ciguan-77) and still no more the wiser .......
this ridiculous....Fdisk coming up soon !!!

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