Hello , I want to learn exactly all what's going on behind the scenes when surfing the Internet ..how it works ? web servers .? it's programming languages and how they do it ..
I liked the way howstuffworks.com explain it ... but I want it 1000x in-depth more than that .... can I find what i'm searching for in easily .. I tried google and got tired ... so , please help me with any ebooks or even topics to search for ..

I want to be Internet & web servers professional ....WHERE TO START PLEASE !!

You wouldnt be able to find a book to cover the whole Internet for you.
Every single programing language that you know of and every single server that you know of is connected to the Internet. So you'll need so start from how to create simple website (XHTML, CSS), then get into getting that site to do something (ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScripts), then you want info from that site to be stored in a Database (SQL, postgrass) once you got a site that is working then you get into hosting it on the Internet. You also need to know about networking and how IPs and DNS works. Its such a broad topic that it's impossible to cover in one go.

Hello , I want to learn exactly all what's going on behind the scenes when surfing the Internet ..how it works ? web servers .? it's programming languages and how they do it ..
I liked the way howstuffworks.com explain it ... but I want it 1000x in-depth more than that .... can I find what i'm searching for in easily .. I tried google and got tired ... so , please help me with any ebooks or even topics to search for ..

I want to be Internet & web servers professional ....WHERE TO START PLEASE !!


thanks all

Are you interested in this info, for personal or professional use?

for personal use ,, I like to know what is happening behind the scenes very much ...

I understand that you have allready googled, but try search terms such as the following:
making php
using php
making html
using html
css codes
"My sql" databases
script java -"javascript"
Javascript kit
what is ftp

And the list goes on. So try those search terms and ones that are simular. Remember that you may need to find 15 average size web pages for each of those search terms to get detailed info. That will cover all of the behind the scenes info and you may want to check in 'Internet Explorer' View --> source. This will show you the downloaded source code for the page you are viewing. But like most general topics, there is a lot more on the non-programming side which is mainly networking. But the hardware of networking (physical stuff) you will find is not as interesting as the programming and software related items which relate to the topic.

Ask Al Gore, he invented it.

commented: You just scored bonus ;) +7
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