Is it just me or have serif fonts become the new go-to font of Web 2.0 sites. Out the window with you old, boring sans-serif Verdana. Who needs you Arial? We have Georgia, glorious Georgia, or even *gasp* Garamond. Has the serif laid it's pointy edge into the blunt broadside of the sans-serif fonts(yeah, that's a little over the top, wanna fight about it?) or do you believe that each has it's place... like when a 9 shouldn't look like it's about to crash through the floor of the current line.

Why does microsoft now use Calibri and Tahoma!!!!!!!!!!


Times New Roman ftw...........

Why does microsoft now use Calibri and Tahoma!!!!!!!!!!

That's Calibri and Cambria, both gorgeous in their own right.

Kind regards

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