Title says all, its summer and my job doesnt take up to much of my time, i would like to learn/become a computer programmer i just recently became interested.

What i need help with:-Which type of programming i should start off(c, c++, etc.)
-website/ the forum community that will help me learn
-programs i need to purchase or pirate

Thanks a bunch, any input would be nice.

What i need help with:-Which type of programming i should start off(c, c++, etc.)

That's a subject of eternal debate. It would help if you would tell what exactly do you want to create. Like web-apps, OS, games, something else..

-website/ the forum community that will help me learn

This one of course :)

-programs i need to purchase or pirate

That's a big no no. For every language I know, there's a free compiler available, so no need to prirate anything.

thank you for the import, im really not sure which type of programming does what.

Hi RiddlerLG , as niek_e said above you really need to decide what it is you want to create. Software, web pages, games programming. One you decide that you are then welcome to enter a world full of confusion/debate as to which is the 'best' language to learn. If you only want to develop your every day applications then consider looking at something like Visual Basic.NET. A google search of programming languages should give you a jist as to what language does what.

Hoped this helped!

i want to get more into networking/telecommunications stuff......but before that type of programming, what would be a good start?

I recommend you give Visual Basic.NET a try, its syntax is easy for the beginner and is very user-friendly. Using any .NET language you have access to predefined routines already written for you to take care of those tedious tasks (and sometimes more complex tasks). Thus saving you time writing code you don't really have to worry about and giving you more time to spend learning the language.

For some great (free) tutorials using VB.NET please see http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/

Good luck - :)

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