I am a PHP developer and enjoying my work in it , but i was very disappointed when some of my colleagues said that the PHP is bullshit... it is not a programming language... there is no future in it... i was very amazed when other professional doesn't consider me as a software developer... so what your say?

what you think about PHP share with us...

Isn't php based on C++ or am I thinking of some other language. What ever, they probably just never messed with it. I like it I just wish I under stood it better.

ya it is based on c++, I am working for 3 years and still counting and every day i saw a new thing in it. and this forum helps me a lot to solve my problems and in my learning.

I personally think that PHP, C++, as well as Linux are all fine for as long as you know what you are doing, and you are striving to learn about it every day.

Ya that is true, it is a generalized statement apply for all your task and in PHP also :)

Well, unknowingness often preceeds ridiculization.
PHP (based on C,C++ and Java) is the strongest scripting language since Perl and is used extensively worldwide. I know of a few companies who do just that, and they flourish.

and after using a framework the security issues are flushed away.

php is a scripting languge not a programming language. I hate the way PHP works in some respects and would much rather use perl although perl is going, not because it is a bad scripting language but because "mangers, ceo's etc..." call it a legacy language now. Pretty much all my work is now based in php although i would much rather be programming an application with c/c++ rather than designing websites and apps. As for those "other professional's" they don't sound very professional to me at all.

and what about the gtk you can make a desktop application in it

and what about the gtk you can make a desktop application in it

Or Adobe Air.

I am a PHP developer and enjoying my work in it , but i was very disappointed when some of my colleagues said that the PHP is bullshit... it is not a programming language... there is no future in it... i was very amazed when other professional doesn't consider me as a software developer... so what your say?

what you think about PHP share with us...

I am also PHP developer and think it has great opportunity and prosperity, it is platform uniform whereas it has facility of data hiding.

I wouldn't say PHP has no future. It is one of the most popular and widely used server-side scripting language.

As for whether it is a programming language, it all depends on what's your definition of a programming language.

Traditional programming language (eg C++) requires compiler to make the source files into object files, and linker to link all the object files and libraries into executable. Scripting languages work differently, as in they require some interpreter or preprocessor to parse them, but no compiler or linker involved. In a way, scripting languages are more limited in their usage, but I wouldn't say they are bullshit.

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I think the definition of a language, depends heavily on what can be accomplished with it.
Clearly alot can be done with PHP, so it's far from being "Bullshit".

Now if they critique more yourself, I guess you have to ask yourself, what are you doing with PHP?

If you are making professional level Programs. Apps, or websites etc and making full use of any and all features PHP has to offer, and getting paid well to do it, then I would say they are jealous, or just being "snobs" or "Elitists".

Sure there are other ways it can be done, but PHP is a very flexible language on the whole, and widely used, so why not?

PHP is a great language and has its place in the world. Its backed by thousands of developers and since it is supported and maintained so well, there really is no sense in calling it "bullshit" at all. PHP provides a stable environment for web development and in my opinion the best language to develop web applications in.

I started with perl as my programming language when I first started in IT. It has its place in my back-end programming but if I'm doing any front-end then its in PHP flat out no playing around.

I also dig C# for my windows programming and since none of the above languages are actually "binary compiled" (C# compiler doesn't actually compile an executable binary, instead it contains meta-data and IL code) does that mean I'm not a programmer?

I don't care what language your working with, if your code produces functional results in any applicable manner then I am going to call you a programmer.

Just my 2 cents.

Sounds to me like they are just jealous because they have no idea the symphony of css, javascript, ajax, php, sql, http etc... How, to be a web developer, especially now days, requires knowledge of several languages, techniques and the ability to take advantage of new languages and techniques as they become popular. The technology of web development moves so fast that by the time you graduate college, you don't know the half of it. I had never even heard of ajax until 3 months after I graduated just 2 years ago, and now everyone wants it. Next time someone tries to tell you this, just say; Oh stop being mad just because you can't keep up.

i started web programming with standart asp(also known as classical asp), then i miggrated to asp.net 3 years ago. when i started to classical asp, i was told that php is alike, so there are no class structures and stuff i believe. code reusability must be a problem then. and also it will be hard to do component based programming in php. how do you guys compare php to asp.net ? and by learning asp.net you will have a chance to develop other windows and mobile applications by the same tools besides web development. So every asp.net developer can be count as a software developer as well, whereas a php developer could only develop web apps by his php related skills. am i right?

by his php related skills

PHP has far advanced past classic asp and has included class structures for years. They're actually talking about namespaces in php 6, but will require some refining after the initial release I'm sure.
I think php does really well for web apps but it does have potential to do much more from standard database functionality to socket programming. I would say that at the time that asp.net was released, php was comparable to classic asp, but at that time asp was abandoned while php was not.
Code reusability works just like anything else, I actually have a library full of classes that I use frequently.

do you also have a seperation between the html markup and codebehind file? do you advise me as a professional asp.net developer to learn php? And how long will it take me to master php given that i am experinced in asp.net?

do you also have a seperation between the html markup and codebehind file? do you advise me as a professional asp.net developer to learn php? And how long will it take me to master php given that i am experinced in asp.net?

No codebehind, although I've heard claims. Honestly, I think every developer should know some type of multi-platform language. Certainly don't change your career path over it but there is something to be said for being able to pull out a file and just start typing away without worrying about having this library loaded or that library loaded or having to recompile DLLs or what type of server you are going to put it on. You will also find it to be a very forgiving language and to be honest, I didn't pick up one book to learn it because the online resources are so vast. Of course, since it is an interpreted language it is a bit slower but that is the price we pay. PHP is as simple or as complicated as you want to make it and I like the do it my own way perspective and the fact that a community of developers just like me decide which way PHP will go instead of being driven by profit. These are some of the reasons why I have grown to love it so.
I am certainly not biased, I do like Asp.net and what they have done and am actually a huge C# and SQL Server fan. I just don't think development should cost so much.

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