We are migrating from GroupWise to Exchange 2003, at the same time we want to move to one domain name, at the moment we have 3 or 4 domain names i.e training@Advice.co.uk, training@Group.co.uk, training@southbar.co.uk and training@northbar.co.uk

All our colleagues associated with the above require and need the training mailbox, when we move over to a single domain what and how will we handle them?

Is it possible to give a single domain name and have some kind of mail route to the appropriate mailbox?

Your advise would be appreciated.



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I'm not sure of the best approach if you're hosting your own web-mail server, but if you plan on paying for hosting services you will probably have a couple options.

Either way you will need to keep registering all of these domains if you need to use them as mailbox addresses.

Usually you can host your primary domain name and also have other hosted domain names as sub-domains or pointed domains (to your primary domain).

If your service is hosting all of your domain names for you it is also very likely that you can use the secondary domains for email accounts.

So really it's pretty easy to do what you're asking.

If your domain names are being hosted by different providers then -- if I recall -- you will need to edit your MX records. (It's been a while), at least you can Google that and also ask of your host how to do that. If you're paying for service, get help from that service provider.

At least the above has been true on most of the web servers I've used over the years.

If you're hosting your own web-mail servers, then what platform are you on?

That will determine what modules you have available...of course.

I researched mail servers for Unix some years ago, and there are definitely choices and differences out there. Also, I'm sure it's all changed since I did that research.

Good luck

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