Hi there,

I am new to Daniweb. Seeing that I am completely amongst people who obviously seem to know IT (tech support) to some degree, I am asking everyone to recomend me a training lession plan and textbooks so I can start learning Tech Support. I have completed my final yr in high school and have been gathering general IT reports visiting websites in the hope of learning IT-Tech Suppot. Unfortunately I am 43 years of age and do not have a clear idea of where to start with the learning. I am currently in a full time job that restricts me from attending a full time training college.

It so happens that with the help of somes friends, I have acquired a tiny little share in a tiny little IT business that provides tech support to the under priveledged community in the Pacific Island countries through a voluntary programme. I am absolutely new to IT however would like to dedicate my time to those in need. Unfortunately I cannot afford to pay people to provide this service on my behalf, however I can learn and do so in my own time.

Please help me get started...............

Thanks in advance to everyone who can contribute towards this good course.


Hi Ashley,
I was a Tech Support agent working with Microsoft, MSN, Windows OS, and Office.
My training did not come from books all the way, they were of some help, but hands on is what did the trick. I studied alot on my own and was great at my job. I now am a Field Manager for a Distribution and build PC's on my own. Any questions? I'd be happy to give you some detail about books and a great place to start is a call center and Microsoft!

Tech support for what? hardware ? software? If hardware, then you might investigate what local junior colleges have to offer. You will have to become intimetly familar with computer hardware if you want to get a job as a tech support representative for some manufacturer or other company. Junior college in my are offers a couple courses for computer repairs.

I would like to learn both hardware & software. However if i should learn my hardware before I start focus on anything else, then what books or formal training you think I should seek to receive.


Hi Ashley,
I was a Tech Support agent working with Microsoft, MSN, Windows OS, and Office.
My training did not come from books all the way, they were of some help, but hands on is what did the trick. I studied alot on my own and was great at my job. I now am a Field Manager for a Distribution and build PC's on my own. Any questions? I'd be happy to give you some detail about books and a great place to start is a call center and Microsoft!

That is excellent. Please advice book titles and authors. you mentioned 'call centers', I do I go about approaching them. I am not sure they will want to know me unless I can provide some knowledge...how does it work?


Ill suggest getting youre A+ basics first to firmiliarise yourself with terms that you will need to know.just to make life easier for yourself

commented: Great idea :) +34

Ill suggest getting youre A+ basics first to firmiliarise yourself with terms that you will need to know.just to make life easier for yourself

Great idea :) Here are a bunch of google links that will get you started on that.

I have 6 a+ books all are helpful.

also scott muellers upgrding and repairing pcs is an "encyclopedia "of computers and practical stuff altho not in abc format, the index is tho ha!

Hey, *scrolls up* Mhm mhm, some good suggestions here. Look I know something you can do ;). You know the PC magazines...?A lot of them have some good guides on building PCs, and you can read a lot of them online for free. I suggest you check those out.
And.. from now on I want you to start trying to fix your own PC problems, when you get problems go to sites like this one ;)

Also, try helping some peeps answer their questions. You'll get the skillz. Cheers!

Hey, *scrolls up* Mhm mhm, some good suggestions here. Look I know something you can do ;). You know the PC magazines...?A lot of them have some good guides on building PCs, and you can read a lot of them online for free. I suggest you check those out.
And.. from now on I want you to start trying to fix your own PC problems, when you get problems go to sites like this one ;)

Also, try helping some peeps answer their questions. You'll get the skillz. Cheers!

great ideas!
back in the days of The Beachboys "409", i grew up in Flint Michigan and had a 409 eater.
I didn't cheat fair as i was working in the v8 engine plant, home of the smallblock and was turning 12's in the 1/4 mile with my modified 283.
What in the Name of The Great Gigabyte does this have to do with computers?
I now have 7 Mechanic Licenses, but computers are more fun.
I have never stopped learning, tho i never was pit crew class mechanic,and so it is with computers.
Alpha is The Top Dog and I know some Super AlphaGeeks but I am Abetageek,
and delighted to be still learning.
there are no shortcuts except learning from the mistakes of others, but buy some A+ Certification books and go cover to covA 3 hour day is a short work dayer and also use as reference.
Mike Meyers has a sweet one: A+ Certification, also Jean Andrews:A+ 2006 in depth. Patrick Regan,:troubleshooting the PC. I have all these and 10 others.
you will have to give up everything else at the moment you are doing a particular thing,especially learning computers, do what you are doing when you are doing what you are doing, has been my experience. I also was a performing musician and practiced 3 hours a day. A 3 hour day is a short workday. Get "think and Grow Rich" online and apply the 6 rules in chapter2.
if you read a book a month on a subject , in 10 years you would be a world leading authority in that subject, so go for it. if you will do it for the love of it, the money will follow.
And if you are always willing to give more than you ask for, you will always have more than you need.
this thread is prompted in my email when someone comments

another good A+ book is Comptia A+
Cram Exam by Charles J. Brooks
all these books come with a cd with extra exam questions and the text as an ebook or a howto dvd

Thank you, I have been checking alot of these websites and bokks that have been recommended to me.

In a nutsell Ashley
The more you involve yourelf with pc/technology the greater your understanding of above mentioned become.so post alot, read alot,and do some practical as often as you can

good luck Reddy

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