I wanne have a colorbot - aimbot
Any1 ever made on and can share it with me or any1 than says, ohh easy i can make it..?

Its must be this kinda type..

if i move my mouse over a red or blue object in the game than the "bot" must grab that object and if the object moves, the "bot" follows it, "it must stick on it"..the bot doesnt need to aim all the time for me, only have to grab the red or blue object and following it

Or a autoshooter:
If i move my mouse over red or blue than it must autoshoot (left click mouse)

Please anyone ? :)

I'm not going to encourage cheating, and im certainly not going to give away code, this isn't the sort of thing that can be done in one night, you need to know some advanced C++ stuff, which im guessing you don't know. The only way this is going to get done is if you really put in alot of effort, stopped speaking in l33t sp33k and actually learned C++, that means buying book, reading tutorials and anything you can get your hands on. Personally I don't think you have a chance at succeeding in making this.

commented: Great answer XD +4
commented: Yes, way too much leet-speak going around. +7

aww :( than there are some ppl lying about it, they say its not that hard to make a colourbot, than i rly mean colourbot and not a real aimbot that aims for you all the time..

But hey i believe you, so i wont be able to make one ever? :( thats sad

But i do have a colourbot, but it need the right settings,, maybe any1 can help me out with that? if thats possible :p

commented: Learn to speak like us grownups. -7
commented: Yup, no need for leet -2

>But hey i believe you, so i wont be able to make one ever?
I didn't say that ;)

I said it takes alot of effort, but of course you could make one if you really put your mind to it, but I just doubt you are willing to put in the amount of effort it takes to actually put this together.

>Any1 ever made on and can share it with me or any1 than says, ohh easy i can make it..?
As for this, I doubt anyone here has made one, and even if somebody has, I doubt that person would happen to stumble across this thread and share it with you.

>But i do have a colourbot, but it need the right settings,, maybe any1 can help me out with that? if thats possible
That depends, does it have anything to do with the C++ forum? If not, your in the entirely wrong place.

Im aren't going to encourage cheating, and im certainly not going to give away code, this isn't the sort of thing that can be done in one night, you need to know some advanced C++ stuff, which im guessing you don't know. The only way this is going to get done is if you really put in alot of effort, stopped speaking in l33t sp33k and actually learned C++, that means buying book, reading tutorials and anything you can get your hands on. Personally I don't think you have a chance at succeeding in making this.

Im not* damn I hate this editing rule :idea:

Im not* damn I hate this editing rule :idea:

Look at the post again:
>Last edited by Ancient Dragon : 10 Hours Ago at 11:51 pm. Reason: corrected grammer

Now that's some nice modding :)

commented: Indeed ;) +4
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