
Some how I cannot login to my Notebook ThinkPad T42[TEX] , I am getting error lsass. exe when I power it on

I cannot access to windows to make rescue and recovery CDs , which is in one partiOn of hard drive.....

My Q is how Can I make Recovery CDs using same hard drive as USB or slave on a different Computer... ..


more details about error please

on IBM/Lenovo laptops you can access the recovery partition by repeatedly tapping F11 during boot. In there you can recover or make media.

also is it L sass or I sass . I s a virus, L is a system file.

thanks for quick reply ..... I believe it is system file L sass.exe because i messed up some registry keys .....

is it possible to recover this L sass.exe file or do a restore if possible by repeating F 11 as u said ........ or any other advice please

if you can get into safe mode (tap F8 repeatedly during boot and choose safe mode) then go to run and type sfc /scannow . This will check for missing/corrupted system files like lasas and will fix them. If that doesnt work try a system restore from safe mode.

Only use the IBM F11 restore as a last resort you will lose ALL data if you do so.

thanks dear ... i will try and let u know

if you can get into safe mode (tap F8 repeatedly during boot and choose safe mode) then go to run and type sfc /scannow . This will check for missing/corrupted system files like lasas and will fix them. If that doesnt work try a system restore from safe mode.

Only use the IBM F11 restore as a last resort you will lose ALL data if you do so.

hi ,

tried above suggestions but same error ... complete message is

lsass.exe - access denied

a process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights.

Pressing F11 brings options

1) to exit and start normally (2)

F1 to enter Bios utility (3) f12 to choose a temporary start up device

Pressing F12 takes to boot from floppy, HD, CD-rom etc


sometimes its other combinations to recover, on some thinkpads for example, you hold the IBM Help button. Check the online help for your model.

If safe mode aint working looks like a total reinstall is your only option. Beware, you will lose EVERYTHING

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