Maybe this is not part of this website..hope it is. Could anyone suggest how do I block sms message not from spam but from individuals who are just causing a nuisance? Thank you so much!

New to this site but great it is



Tell us more of what you are looking for .... to me SMS means Systems Management Server.

What OS are you using? Is it a windows popup? Are you in a particular chat client, such as Yahoo?




Tell us more of what you are looking for .... to me SMS means Systems Management Server.

What OS are you using? Is it a windows popup? Are you in a particular chat client, such as Yahoo?



I think he means SMS as in Text-Messaging for cellphones. Who's the provider? You might be able to contact their customer service to have that number blocked.

Thank you..I mean short message service (mobile/cell phone)..txt. MSN messenger is used not Yahoo or others, this for info, have since changed MSN ID but need to now block sms. I wish to block one person only.

very grateful to all and answer in a few hours too

thanks to those named also.



I would call your phone company and talk to them about it. Unless your plan includes text messaging, you could very well be paying for the company to transmit the harassment from another person.


Your phone company would probably not do anything or just tell you to make a complaint to the police.

You could do what I done once!!! I was getting so many txt messages from this girl that I posted her number on a few select forums and guess what I never got a txt from her again :-) not that I would suggest you do a thing like that at all, Oh great now I have done it I'm going to have to put a disclaimer with all of my posts from now on :!:


Any and all information in the above post is submitted under the influance of coffee and no sleep, please do not listen to or take any advice from this post as it may lead to you being summonds to court, the poster of the above information in not in control of his intoxicated fingers at the time of this post, oh and I cannot be blamed if you get a slap OK

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