this is my first post, so i'm sure i'll fumble it a little bit.
I'm writing a program that has a switch, a nested if, and an output choice of console or new file on a:.
I feel like all my switch and nest is good, but i'm missing something, like a preprocessor. at least i hope I'm that close
here's a list of errors:
LINE 49 call to undefined function 'SWITCH' in function main()
LINE 49statement missing ; in function main()
LINE 96possible use of tot_chrg' before definition in function main()
LINE 101undefined symbol 'choice in function main()
LINES 113 115 117 119 statement missing ; in function main // this appears four times
LINE 127[three of my different variable names: water_chrg school_fee elec_chrg] are used but never defined in function main()
LINE 127[two of my variable names: bal_due SAN_CHARGE] is assigned a value that is never used in function main()