OK, I may be getting a contract with a local company for building several new sites and refurbishing some current ones.... the issue is that I've been asked about CMS...... and I'm not overly sure about it at all.
It ssems that my contractor is set on the idea of his clients being able to admin' their own sites, altering content, adding pages etc.... yet I'm not particularly sure this is a good idea.
He'll lose out on update and admin fees', it will cost a small fortune for a professional CMS package, and the free ones I've seen seem a little limited, I don't think the clients will be able to alter the menu systems in place, nor alter things like css... all in all, it strikes me as a no-gainer!
So, if any one can correct me on my definition of CMS, recomend some strong free CMS's, inform me of some flexible/versatile CMS apps that permit the altering of menu's etc.... then I'd appreciate it!
Alternatives are also welcome, as are personal opionins or suggestions of differing methods!