This is a strange one. Forgive me for bringing the subject up but airline staff are asking that their providers restrict the sites people can look at when they're flying. Essentially they're asking that people shouldn't look at porn while they're serving coffee, and funnily enough some of the passengers feel the same.
The objection is that there's no restriction on DVDs or magazines so why should the Internet be fettered in this way?
I have another question. I'm not prudish, people can look at what they want if it's legal and in their own time and place. But why on earth isn't there a rule about DVDs, magazines or anything else that might offend members of staff and the public in what is, if not exactly a public place, then hardly private? I'd be quite in favor of a rule that said 'no looking at adult material when it's going to repulse anyone in the vicinity'.
But then I can't think of anywhere less sexy than a cooped-up airline seat to be looking at this stuff anyway, so what do I know...