:!: Happy Birthday today to the Apple Macintosh :!:

20 years old on this, the 24th of 2004!

Fun stuff, eh? :cheesy:

You know, it's cool that the Mac is 20... But was the 20th Anniversary Mac supposed to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Apple, or the 20th Anniversary of the Mac? That thing came out some time ago...

But was the 20th Anniversary Mac supposed to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Apple, or the 20th Anniversary of the Mac?.

That was for the 20th Anniversary of Apple. It was a pretty cool, pretty expensive system. So far they haven't done anything for the 20th anniversary of Macintosh. :cool:

Yea... 2o years of over-priced, under-powered, isolationist, proprietary hardware practices. They could have played thier cards better in that amount of time...

Over-priced and underpowered? Is that how Virginia Tech built a supercomputer from Powermac G5's in 2 months for 5.2 million dollars that that does 10.2 teraflops making it the 3rd fastest supercomputer in the world?


I guess what I'm trying to say is; I don't understand your point.

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