Hey all,

I am currently a second year IT student and have come to the time in which I have to choose a specialization for me to major at. In our school we get to pick among four specializations namely:

  • .NET
  • Java Programming and Solaris
  • UNIX
  • DWBI (Database Warehouse..err something something)

Our school has given us a seminar about the four but unfortunately I find that they have not discussed the four specializations properly. They were all busy comparing each specialization among the others and prove which one is better among the rest.

That is why I am still confused. I don't know which one of these would give me a better edge during job applications and which one would yield me a better salary when I am starting to work.

I want a specialization that can be fun, competitive and highly paid.

I really enjoy (maybe even love), get good grades and cope up well in programming but I find that in years time the complexities of programming will get to me and I may wear down eventually.

But I am not that confident with programming, I use what I know and seldomly acquire new knowledge to make my work better. I only get confident when I know the solution to a problem else I succumb to cowardice.

Whenever I acquire new knowledge I enjoy doing it and enjoy absorbing it. Even though I am not that confident with my work I sometimes stand out among my classmates.

I really can't explain how I gauge on programming. I really like it but I am very scared of it. It's really weird.

I am really not that smart. The only way that I am able to do well in programming is because I am sort of a hard worker. I procrastinate a lot when I am stumped with my work though.

I like routines and do menial tasks very well (I really like easy work that is repetitive yet enjoyable), I am a perfectionist too. I really like thinking and analyzing too.

Can you guys help me decide? And can you please explain which one would make me stand out during job applications?

Oh and we get to have education on CISCO too, although we don't get to be CCNAs automatically we still get the education needed to prep us up for the exams for it.

Thank you all! Sorry if this was a little lengthy!

The only way that I am able to do well in programming is because I am sort of a hard worker. ... I like routines and do menial tasks very well

sounds like a career in databases is for you.

I am really not that smart.

then it will be best if you get on a management track as soon as possible.

sounds like a career in management or marketing is in order. That's where all people who don't have a clue what they want end up.

Thank you for your replies!

So database management would be suitable? How about unix? what do they do there? and isn't unix used for managing too? Is database management a good edge on job applications?

So database management would be suitable? How about unix? what do they do there? and isn't unix used for managing too? Is database management a good edge on job applications?

oh, yes. absolutely.

and when i speak of managment, i mean you should consider getting an MBA.

tell your potential employers your 5-year goal is to start an MBA program.

you'll do just fine.

oh, yes. absolutely.

and when i speak of managment, i mean you should consider getting an MBA.

tell your potential employers your 5-year goal is to start an MBA program.

you'll do just fine.

Oh how nice, and here are my classmates who'd always say that Database management is a specialization in which I have lots of competition and is completely stupid and not worth it.

I'll really think about that MBA thing. Because I am not really into business, I find it boring and uninteresting.

How about UNIX?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

If you have the potential of programming, then here you have the intersting fact that .Net has both graphical (user interface) and Databse (backend). I think that will not bore anybody and If you want to develop a desktop application (VB.NET), web based jobs (ASP.NET), database management (Generating Report from databse) everything is there.
Not having a good user Interface, and you have to develop from scratch (infact some other third party tools are there). somewhat critical to understand the bulk of coding. But the interesting part is JavaScript for your programming potential for webs. Here too having the possibilities of that we have in .Net. But somewhat critical to learn the basics not more intersting at the basic level. The greatest thing in Java you can make many games architectures.


If you are interst to learn network architechtures, how they controlled and communicated? how the data are handled, password maintenance on network, creating batch scripts for the system process, Setting/Tracking the users permits on files/folders. Look like the command shell environment like MS-DOS (I mean only the look). have more advantages over network.

Databse Management System:
You are going to create the tree level architechture for your projects like database, tables, insert/delete records, procedures, query languages etc.

All the subjects are having many advantages one over there. When come to the job, .Net has more competitions (no of learners are high), Java has not much competitions (no of learners are low compare to .Net), UNIX has not much competitions ( no of learners are low compare to other operating systems). but organizations supporting UNIX. Datawarehouse has not much competitions( no of learners are low) organizations using sql, oracle etc.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

My Suggestion is to choose JAVA or .NET, If you dedicated to that part you really have good future.

WOW! thank you very much for your explanations rajarajan! But I ask what do you mean by "no of learners"? By any chance did you mean "number of learners"?

And isn't java more used and competitive that .net? At least that's what my peers are telling me. I think it is because java is free and easy to acquire unlike the .net technology which you have to pay to microsoft before using it. And for you which do you prefer java or .net? I love the ease of use of .net but as I have said my peers told me that java is much more preferred by companies and such.

And here I was thinking that the world has too much of database warehouse managers, that's why I was turned of DWBI. Thank you for clearing that up.

I have CISCO networking classes that is going to prep us up for the ccna exams and if I do pass and become a ccna, would the combination of a ccna and a unix administrator be a very good edge in the job network? I mean I could be a system administrator and all.

And it sounds UNIX is a very interesting subject, I mean I love maintaining and looking up ways how to improve efficiency of the computers here in our house, and UNIX sounds like something like that but on a much more grander scale. Am I correct? Is it more of maintaining networks and whatnots?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Sorry Its, "number of learners"

And for the second question, I prefer Java to show you as an unique person in technology as of now, bcoz for example: Last week My company (MNC) given an ad for .Net programmers with 2 to 3 yrs exp candidates. Next day here we having around more than 50 peoples for interview. It seems the competition is there to get the .net job. Imagaine if they give ad for fresheres in .Net?. And for Java there are few peoples are coming but with high potentials.

UNIX/LINUX its not up to the efficiency of computer, it has efficiency to control and permits users on the network.

There are the genius in all the technologies, so their point of view different. The information provided here is what I face and I came to know these technologies has such opportunities.

So Keep going on JAVA if you have a good stuff in programming and you have the lot of good things to do there,

CoreJava - you can develop your programming (Analytical,Logical)skills
Advanced Java (J2EE)- You can play with remote systems, networking and all
Mobile (J2ME) - You can play with mobile technologies
if all that you know, you can also create games.

Or .Net to play with all around the things with some good visuals.

Informations are provided according to my knowledge

I see thank you for your insights.

There are the genius in all the technologies, so their point of view different. The information provided here is what I face and I came to know these technologies has such opportunities.

Who were you referring to here? The UNIX people? It sounds to me that UNIX is much more appealing than programming because I'm not that great in programming. But I can and do excel if I want to. But as I have stated in my first post I believe in the distant future that the requirements for logic formulation for the subject matter will be too great for me to handle. I am no genius after all. Just a regular hard working fool haha.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

I am not referring anybody here, all over the world. In this community nobody are specialized in a particular technology, they know all the things, they move around all the technologies, so they genius in all. Go to their reputations and see, they answered in all the forums. Such a great people are here.

Ok, More than this http://www.bell-labs.com/history/unix/tutorial.html

Becoming a good programmer isn't about being a genius. Hard work and perseverance are more important than intelligence. A high level of intelligence makes learning easier, but a lower level usually does not make learning impossible. I find it likely that you're being too rough on yourself and your confidence, not your potential, is really to blame. Stop crying and get to work.

That said, I find that a very large proportion of the world's population is utterly incapable of analytical thought, and analytical thinking is crucial to becoming a successful software developer.
MAYBE such a mode of thinking can be trained, but if so a very large number of people seem either disinterested or incapable of receiving such training.

I am not referring anybody here, all over the world. In this community nobody are specialized in a particular technology, they know all the things, they move around all the technologies, so they genius in all. Go to their reputations and see, they answered in all the forums. Such a great people are here.

Ok, More than this http://www.bell-labs.com/history/unix/tutorial.html

I see, so its basically being diverse and not concentrating on only one thing. Thank you for this information I'll keep this in mind while I am still in college. And thank you for the link to UNIX.

Becoming a good programmer isn't about being a genius. Hard work and perseverance are more important than intelligence. A high level of intelligence makes learning easier, but a lower level usually does not make learning impossible. I find it likely that you're being too rough on yourself and your confidence, not your potential, is really to blame. Stop crying and get to work.

Ouch, you got me there...Really you did. Thanks for that though. :D

I actually doubt myself too much when it comes to programming that is why I say that I am not that smart, but what I really want to be is a java or dot net developer. Now I am confused. I was quite sure that I would be picking UNIX during the past few days but when you said this to me I reconsidered once again.

That said, I find that a very large proportion of the world's population is utterly incapable of analytical thought, and analytical thinking is crucial to becoming a successful software developer.
MAYBE such a mode of thinking can be trained, but if so a very large number of people seem either disinterested or incapable of receiving such training.

You are right. I have to admit before liking programming and thinking analytically I hated training my self in analytical thought because it was too tiring for me and I feel very inferior whenever I don't get it. But eventually when I started to like programming and figuring out how software works I got really interested that I was sometimes thinking analytically instinctively.

sorry for the late reply y'all isp connection was down for a week D:

I actually doubt myself too much when it comes to programming that is why I say that I am not that smart, but what I really want to be is a java or dot net developer. Now I am confused. I was quite sure that I would be picking UNIX during the past few days but when you said this to me I reconsidered once again.

Most professionals know both Unix and Windows reasonably well (at least at an end-user level).
When you choose .NET you're going to need more in-depth Windows knowledge more likely, but Java is pretty operating system agnostic (though many Java shops are Unix-heavy when it comes to deployment/server environments).

sorry for the late reply y'all isp connection was down for a week D:

No problem. At least you did come back unlike so many who don't get the answer they desire (meaning they get reaffirmed in their delusions more often than not) and slink away into the night.

Most professionals know both Unix and Windows reasonably well (at least at an end-user level).
When you choose .NET you're going to need more in-depth Windows knowledge more likely, but Java is pretty operating system agnostic (though many Java shops are Unix-heavy when it comes to deployment/server environments).

Oh so eventually I am going to learn UNIX as well then, much as like as what rajarajan was saying that it is about being "diverse" in these technologies.

So would the combination of UNIX and CISCO be a good one? Would this yield to a profession of a system administrator? My parents are urging me to take two specializations so I might choose UNIX and one programming language of choice (either .NET or JAVA). I just don't find any prospects for job market edginess from Database management so I kinda took it out of consideration.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Lets Come to conclusion, Almost you chose the UNIX and other specialization as (.Net or JAVA).

My Suggestion is .NET: So you will learn well around all the technologies. Let play with UNIX to become a System/Network administrator with the shell command (The environment like MS-DOS) and also play with .NET to become the web developer (ASP.NET) stand alone Application (VB.NET) and even with windows operating system (I thought not have much knowledge of windows bcoz everybody know that os that much enough).

Anyway I think you are a good analyzer, bcoz you started a thread and know about the technologies from the known people and now you have the confidence to select the specilization. Good! and Best wishes for your career development! Go a head!..

Lets Come to conclusion, Almost you chose the UNIX and other specialization as (.Net or JAVA).

My Suggestion is .NET: So you will learn well around all the technologies. Let play with UNIX to become a System/Network administrator with the shell command (The environment like MS-DOS) and also play with .NET to become the web developer (ASP.NET) stand alone Application (VB.NET) and even with windows operating system (I thought not have much knowledge of windows bcoz everybody know that os that much enough).

Anyway I think you are a good analyzer, bcoz you started a thread and know about the technologies from the known people and now you have the confidence to select the specilization. Good! and Best wishes for your career development! Go a head!..

Thank you very much for all your help rajarajan!I appreciate your concern and effort exerted to help me decide on what venture I might partake. I am somehow more confident on what I am to choose. But have still my uncertainties. I will still leave this thread open for suggestions from other people for I reaaaaaaaaally need it. But once I have chosen what to take I'll update you guys here and set this as solved! Thanks again!

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

No Problem at all! Welcome.

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