Hi all,
I am hoping that the DaniWeb community might be willing to assist me in my research efforts.
I am a researcher based in University College Cork (Ireland) and I am involved in a research study on the subject of software development in global virtual teams. As part of this study I am conducting a questionnaire.
Coordination is often reported as being particularly challenging for global virtual teams engaged in software development. This questionnaire seeks to gather data relating to coordination issues in global virtual software development teams.
As experienced practitioners in software development, I would very much welcome your participation in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is directed towards any individual who has worked on a software development project as a global virtual team member. Your candid and thoughtful reply would greatly assist the evaluation. The questionnaire should take no more than ten minutes to complete. Your response will be treated as strictly confidential.
Here is the link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/globalvirtualteams
Thanks again for your help.