Hey everybody, not sure if this is in the right spot or not but the main knowledge I have is C# so that's why I posted here. I was wondering if anybody could give me advice on where I can go to find a decent (not even looking for high paying) job in the software development field. The only problem is I have an A.A.S (Associate of Applied Science) in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in Software Development with and even greater concentration in the C# and Java languages. I also have zero real world work experience. So with all that in mind is it possible for me to find a job in this field with credentials like that? Also going back to school is sort of out of the questions for a least a good 3-5 years (getting married and having kids puts a damper on those plans). I appreciate any and all advice given (if productive and not just posted to bad mouth :D). Thank you again
A VERY Desperate Programmer