hi all,

I guess my first thread here, and I am on with some questions too. Actually I am doing an article on importance of writing among IT professionals. So what better place than Daniweb to ask it. In order to form such an article I will need your views. Answer the following questions in order. And guide me if this isn't the best place to ask.

Q1. What is your name and job profile (like Database Administrator, Programmer etc.)?
Q2. How often do you write each day a week?
Q3. How important is what you write to the successful performance of your job?
Q4. Is writing important to your promotion/career? How?
Q5. What are the different types of writings you do (like names of reports you make, other documents you write)?
Q6. What would be a major fault in a piece of writing in your profession?
Q7. What are the features of writing that you look for in someone’s writing and strive for in your own?

Anirudh Pandita

1. I'm not telling you my name. My job is "Systems Engineer" but "Software Engineer" or "Software Developer" or "Computer Programmer" would also fit.

2. Every day.

3. Not very important, because usually it's code comments and IRC messages, which is far less important than the actual code. Discussions are a more important form of communication at my company, but that's partly because it's small. As you grow you need more in writing.

4. Not really.

5. See #3.

6. This question makes no sense.

7. There are none. The only thing that matters is that the writing says what is needed to be said.

Thanks a lot....hoping for more comments from others too.

Q1. What is your name and job profile (like Database Administrator, Programmer etc.)?

List me as anonymous. My job profile is software architect (enclosing all parts of development from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance). I also act as a consultant for IT and development staff in a wide range of fields.

Q2. How often do you write each day a week?

Very often.

Q3. How important is what you write to the successful performance of your job?

It's critical.

Q4. Is writing important to your promotion/career? How?

I fail to see how this is a different question from Q3.

Q5. What are the different types of writings you do (like names of reports you make, other documents you write)?

Correspondence with clients, partners, and vendors makes up the lion's share of what I write. I also write documentation, training materials, press releases, and such.

Q6. What would be a major fault in a piece of writing in your profession?

Lack of clarity.

Q7. What are the features of writing that you look for in someone’s writing and strive for in your own?

A certain measure of polish that says "professional and trustworthy". Sloppy writing suggests sloppiness in other areas, and being sloppy doesn't help me win any contracts. ;)

commented: helpful and well written +0

Thanks a lot Narue.

Q4. Is writing important to your promotion/career? How?
I fail to see how this is a different question from Q3.

Actually here I wanted to know, how is it important for your future growth and not just for the current job.
I guess I am a bit weak on clarity too ;)
And others you can leave the name too...just answer other questions :)

Q1. What is your name and job profile (like Database Administrator, Programmer etc.)?

Senior Software Engineer

Q2. How often do you write each day a week?

Every day.

Q3. How important is what you write to the successful performance of your job?


Q4. Is writing important to your promotion/career? How?

Yes. If I can't explain what I'm doing, what I've done, and what needs to be done then how is anyone to know if I'm successful at my job?

Q5. What are the different types of writings you do (like names of reports you make, other documents you write)?

User documentation, client correspondence, issue reports, design documents.

Q6. What would be a major fault in a piece of writing in your profession?

Not being able to explain a problem/issue in terms that a non-computer professional can understand. Most of my bosses are not computer programmers, most of my clients are not computer programmers, most people aren't computer programmers. If you can't explain to them what you do, how can you expect them to put any value on what you do?

Q7. What are the features of writing that you look for in someone’s writing and strive for in your own?

Clarity, brevity.

Thanks a lot

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