Hey guys. As you know, we have a code snippet library at http://www.daniweb.com/code/ (or just click the Code Snippets link in the navigation bar).

Right now, the code snippets are sorted by language. Once inside a language, the code snippets are sorted based on their rating first, views second.

However, what would be most helpful or useful to YOU guys? Would you like to see them sorted by date (newest first)? Would you like to see an aggregate page of the latest code snippets in all languages?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Sorted by rating is probably the best.

I like sorted by rating because it puts the most valuable (in terms of community judgement) code snippets first. In addition, all code snippets are easily searchable overall or by language, which is most likely the easiest way to find what you're looking for. I mean ... when it comes to a code snippet library, you most likely are looking for something specific, so you'd use search more than anything.

However, I'm wondering if it would be useful to see the newest code snippets that have been posted ... if anyone out there would like to "follow" the code snippet area the way they do a forum, checking up on new threads regularly. Is this a necessary feature worth adding?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>However, I'm wondering if it would be useful to see the newest code snippets that have been posted...

Hmm, possibly. Not sure how useful it would be though. Like you said people are more likely to peruse the snippets to find something they are after.Whether it's new or not may not be that important.

I guess it depends on what you want to do. If it doesn't cost you anything to have a sort by date function then I'd say go ahead and do it.

Well, of course the "cost in doing so" is obviously the time factor it would take to code it, in addition to the usability factor in having extra links and features on the page. Any extra "feature" makes the website all that more complicated to use, especially for first time visitors. Therefore, it's important to only have features that are useful, and not just those that are cool toys to play with. IMHO there's very little that simply "can't hurt" when it comes to site usability and function.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>Well, of course the "cost in doing so" is obviously the time factor it would take to code it...

You have all the time in the world then, being a professional slacker... :cheesy: Running daniweb isn't a real job ;)

>Therefore, it's important to only have features that are useful, and not just those that are cool toys to play with...

But love all the snazzy features you have provided for daniweb. They might not be useful but they sure look purdy. ;)

>IMHO there's very little that simply "can't hurt" when it comes to site usability and function.


You have all the time in the world then, being a professional slacker... :cheesy: Running daniweb isn't a real job ;)

You're just lucky I like you. I have banning power ya know!

>However, what would be most helpful or useful to YOU guys?
Being able to choose how they're sorted from, say, a drop-down list.

I don't see why not.

Should be up and working.

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