I'm just a hobby Turbo Delphist. I'm sure this is one line of code simple to you, but I've tried everything :o and can't find it.
I want to add the text from 5 edit boxes [TEdit] to 1 edit box. Can you help me? Be an OnClick Button event.
It's just to make adding a url under name for a forum code.
[B]URL text[/B]
[.u.r.l.=. h.t.t.p.:/./.url. .].[.b.]. U.R.L. t.e.x.t. [./.b.].[./.u.r.l.]
The forum url code would be marked 'read only' ie. edit1 - edit3 - edit5 -- The 2 inputs are the URL and Name visible.
It's just to make it easier for me. :confused: