I will directly quote Google™ "Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages."

<< urls snipped per forum rules - no site specific talk >>

For learning the google adsense, we need a proper guide without which it is not possible. You must try to learn how the incomes are coming and are generating. What is its CPA and CPM. All you can get in a new website given below.

AdSense is not the only way to make money on the internet. The most important thing is to create a Web site that attracts lots of traffic. There is a step-by-step guide available right here, believe it or not.

Prep work and begin building content.

C) Site Design:

The simpler the better. Rule of thumb: text content should out weight the html content. The pages should validate and be usable in everything from Lynx to leading edge browsers. eg: keep it close to html 3.2 if you can

The smaller the better. Keep it under 15k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 12k if you can. The smaller the better. Keep it under 10k if you can - I trust you are getting the idea here. Over 5k and under 10k. Ya -

Outbound Links:
Cross links:
Logging and Tracking

these are steps.Stick it.

hey, you say it's free?

If you have your own website, you can sign up for Google AdSense for free and post their ads. If your visitors click on those ads, Google will pay you.

Well i dont see your website link i think it has been removed can pm me the url?

Well i dont see your website link i think it has been removed can pm me the url?

Your signature: Don't you read the blogs on your own web site?

i do but i want to see what she has on her site lol........It might be different I am always ready to learn

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