Hello all,

First I would like to thank all being helpful.
My question or suggestion is about Disliking the comment.
Why we get the dislikes?
I will let u know in details, please bear with me or u can leave.
Ok so I got an email a week ago from Daniweb that I am sure you all get, which is "
The following topic(s) that you're watching have recently been updated:"

So I clicked on the link and answered the question posted, But I got a comment and a dislike which minus my 4 points. I admit that I didnt see the post's date which is 8 years ago, but I got a notification a week ago and I interacted.
Did I do anything wrong ? even some of the members still commented on that post after me and I saw Dani also commented.

May be that is not a big deal for any or all of u, but to me as a beginner points matters a lot.
what should I do, Shouldn't the member who disliked be polite ?

your suggestions are welcome but please donot downvote my post.
Thankyou for your time.

On checking your posts I see that you had one down-vote for posting in an 8 year old thread. When a thread is that old there is no reason to post in it unless you have something pertinent to add to the conversation. In your case you basically duplicated what had already been said. We frequently see old threads revived with posts like "Thanks. I found this really useful." In this case, instead of adding to the thread with a new post you should use the comment feature. This provides useful feedback without bubbling the thread back to the top.

Don't sweat the points. I've had my share of down votes, and so has Dani. Not everyone will agree with everything you have to say.


Firstly, thank you for joining DaniWeb :)

To answer your question, NO, you definitely did not do anything wrong. DaniWeb is a community of over a million members, and with that, everyone is an individual with their own thoughts and opinions. With that, members can choose to up-vote or down-vote posts based on their own preferences.

Looking at your post history, it looks as if rproffit downvoted you -4 points on one of your posts. But he also upvoted you +17 points on another one of your posts.

What it comes down to is that some members, like rproffit, and perhaps Reverend Jim (per his above message) personally don't like it when members reply to super old topics. However, it's something that I personally don't mind, and, to the contrary, actually encourage. It's also not against the forum rules, so that means you didn't do anything wrong.

commented: USA Republicans appear to be on a path to make voting a thing of the past. See Project 2025. At least here we can vote as we wish. +0
commented: Thankyou so much +0

it looks as if rproffit downvoted you -4 points on one of your posts. But he also upvoted you +17 points on another one of your posts

So a net proffit of +13.

Some people just like to do nasty things. This needs to be accepted.

Is it nasty to have an opinion? Yes, if the comment is akin to "you are a dick", and no if the comment is like "You dislike software 'X' but did not give any reasons to back it up". I have no problem calling out someone for an uninformed or offensive post.

Also, nasty for the sake of being nasty is not something I have to accept.

commented: Here's my opinion. +0

I would never, ever, ever call someone out for being uninformed. This is a support forum where people come to in order to learn and spread their wings. IMHO there are no stupid questions. Calling someone out for being uninformed is the epitome of rude in my head, because they weren’t trying to be malicious with their question, but you are trying to be malicious/purposefully unhelpful/purposefully insulting with your response.

To me, if someone has a genuine question, NO MATTER WHAT that question is, as long as it was asked without any malicious intent, and you know the answer and yet instead choose to give them an unhelpful, snarky response, doing that is the epitome of arrogance.

Calling someone out for being uninformed is the epitome of rude in my head

One thing that came up recently was Y2K. In 1996 I was part of a small team that was tasked with keeping our existing AGC/SCADA system running through the change in the event that our replacement system was not in service by that time. We spent hundreds of hours poring through the entire code base (system and apps) looking for problems. In the end we had found three possible plans to keep it up and running. A week or so ago I was with a group of people when one of them made a comment like, "That reminds me of the Y2K thing. They made it out to be a coming disaster and in the end it was all nothing." I had to point out that the reason it was "nothing" was the thousands of hours that highly trained specialists worked to make "nothing" happen.

His was an uninformed opinion that really offended me, so I called him on it. I wasn't nasty about it. I just pointed out things that he had no way of knowing as an outsider.

On the other hand, if someone says to me "I think the Earth is flat." I have no problem replying "and I think you are a moron."

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