A few months ago we started this discussion which got into a fight. They closed the thread since it wasn't in the techie's lounge, so I'm going to start it again. Please respond to this and fight or debate whatever. Please argue with me!

Here is my perfect world

Mac --> should be used by the regular home user. Macs are easy to use, have all the software a user will ever need incorportated in it. Although not cheap, Macs are built to last. The average user will never have a problem with a mac. The are also to be used by artists, photographers and video editors. Alos for school settings.

Linux --> To be used in workstations and servers. There are a lot less viruses for linux than windows. Linux provides stability and security that enterprises need. Programmers and software developers are to use Linux. Nerds should also use Linux.

Windows --> Windows has a lot of business features. it Should only be used for a business setting and/or school setting. Windows is a powerful operating system that provides many features businesses could use. There is also a plentiful number fo programs and software out there for windows. This is also a very tweakable system, so it meets the business' needs.

So there you have it, my perfect world.

The world we live in:

Mac --> Used by artists, photographers, video editors, and a handful of home users.

Linux --> It's starting to be used by companies, but not very much. Used mostly by nerds.

Windows --> Used by everyone. You to your school and what do they have? windows. You go to the public library, windows. You go to a restaurant, windows. It's taken over the world.

So there it is. Please argue, I love debate and fighting with people. ;)

Linux --> To be used in workstations and servers.

It depends a lot on what distribution you use. I would consider SuSE and Xandros to require about the same skill level as Windows XP. It's just that people who are incapable try to run something like Slackware, and then get themselves into a big mess. Something like this might be easier:
(very ironic)

Mac --> should be used by the regular home user. Macs are easy to use, have all the software a user will ever need incorportated in it

Err...I would argue against this slightly. How about gaming?

Macs are built to last

Does this apply to iPods too? ;)

There are a lot less viruses for linux than windows

This brings up the age-old arugment. Is this because of a stronger core, or simply because more people use Windows instead? (My opinion, the latter).

Err...I would argue against this slightly. How about gaming?

About gaming, most of the major game release exist for mac. In my perfect world all games will be made for mac.

Does this apply to iPods too? ;)

well, no. But in my perfect world it would.

This brings up the age-old arugment. Is this because of a stronger core, or simply because more people use Windows instead? (My opinion, the latter).

In my opinion, there are more viruses for windows because it's more widley use. You have to understand that both OS's came up at about the same time. Actually the Apple I, II and III came out before windows 3.0, but that's something different. Just becuase Mac's looks so fancy doesn't mean the core is stronger.

Come on people, ARGUE!!!

Err...I would argue against this slightly. How about gaming?

Does this apply to iPods too? ;)

This brings up the age-old arugment. Is this because of a stronger core, or simply because more people use Windows instead? (My opinion, the latter).

true macs get very few if any viruses, i would say its because low-life virus writers know that all computers within larger companys and the government sector are likely to be windows based, quite often xp embedded,

yea ipods are pretty tough, apple is after all a hardware company, in my perfect world we would all have stupidly powerful macs, lots of them mwuuuhhaaaaaa :lol: and of course the odd windows can here and there, although i must confess im writting this now on my windows laptop

Well if we all had macs, then macs would get viruses. In my perfect world, if you wrote a virus of any kind, you'd automaticaly die.

ps: I want everyone to argue with me, this isn't very fun.

Gotta think more 1984.

In the perfect world, there is no competition.
You buy from the Microsoft/Apple/Linux hybrid corporation or you die and you go to hell...

You go to hell! You go to hell, and you die!

Did I mention the Microsoft/Apple/Linux corporation functions as the world government?

Computer parts are illegally sold for individual sale, so the world government obtains mo cash. The superbusiness/rulership assumes the parts within their machines are fine for home use.

A smuggling business rises and 'tampered performance' components exist.

Likely whoever ran the totalitarian technology government would be under threat of assassination, but, all in all, a good world. Machines are built the same, viruses can't function, and everyone is happy, or they die. ^_^


You're way off coarse. All I wanted was to argue with some one who had a different opinion from what I had. For example some one who says:

Windows is good for everything becuase there is a lot of software of it. So shut up bla bla bla.

You know some who'd make a coment like that.


Well if we all had macs, then macs would get viruses. In my perfect world, if you wrote a virus of any kind, you'd automaticaly die.

ps: I want everyone to argue with me, this isn't very fun.

grrrrrrrr:twisted: what about people who un-knowingly spread them? kill them too huh? :lol:

I'd make my own operating system that destroys the Windows conglomorate and opens the avenues of computer exploration.

People who made viruses would automatically die. It would be a natural thing. So macs are perfect for home use, even though they're expensive, they are perfect. Linux is also perfect for servers.

People who made viruses would automatically die. It would be a natural thing. So macs are perfect for home use, even though they're expensive, they are perfect. Linux is also perfect for servers.

and what if you un-knowingly spread a virus?

(this isnt very heated yet is it?):-|

darren :cool:

You can't unknowingly spread a virus becuase there are none. Now, even if you start writing a viruse you die.

You guys are missing the whole point. Linux and Unix are better servers systems than there'll ever be.

Teh Matricks > servarz

You can't unknowingly spread a virus becuase there are none. Now, even if you start writing a viruse you die.

You guys are missing the whole point. Linux and Unix are better servers systems than there'll ever be.

so you want all the windows based servers out there to run linux instead? who would do all that, wouldnt be cheap to change them all over who would fund it all? :twisted:

darren :cool:

my gran is 84, never used a pc before i set her up with debian etch and i do any admin via ssh like once a month and its no problems for her. all she needs is openoffice, evolution, firefox and shes set. I gave her a shot on xp last week and she hated it that just shows....

my gran is 84, never used a pc before i set her up with debian etch and i do any admin via ssh like once a month and its no problems for her. all she needs is openoffice, evolution, firefox and shes set. I gave her a shot on xp last week and she hated it that just shows....

fair do's to her, i prefer openoffice, it amazes me that you can get such a power full program for free!

darren :cool:

openoffice is basically ms office but free. It's an amazing piece of software. Back to the point. Linux and unix for servers.

openoffice is basically ms office but free. It's an amazing piece of software. Back to the point. Linux and unix for servers.

so what would you use windows for? and surely you wouldnt have enough admins trained up in linux to maintain all your linux and unix servers?

darren :cool:

lol my old school still uses Netware (whatever version it was circa windows 3.1) and thier newest pc's were (gasp!) NT4!

There only just thinking about switching to linux

This is the problem with many places like schools. They pay alot in licence fees and so dont wanna swicth easialy so lots of them are tied in to windows for life

stay on topic.

lol google for "microsoft linux" its a funny mock up of if ms made linux

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