Hi expert please help!

I have a MAC OS 10.4.8 software. Every time I insert it into my
Intel laptop PC dvd drive. How come it doesn't work ? It seems like
didn't recognized it why ? Is that the Operating different ?

Can any Mac expert here please help steps-by-steps how to do this ...?

Q1. I want to install my MAC OS 10.4.8 software on an Intel laptop. How do I do it ?

Q2. Do I need to have some special tools to burn Mac .dmg file to ISO file so the Intel laptop recongnized it ?

Waiting for you reply back....


I'm not an expert ... but the experts will ask you

Is your laptop an Apple Laptop/ ... If it is .. it should work ..

If it is not ... won't work .. PutXP, Linux or Vista on it! :0

Don't try to put Mac OS X on a non-Apple laptop, which sounds like that's exactly what you're trying to do. Of course it isn't going to work because:

  • Apple laptops have hardware differences which make running OS X difficult if not impossible on a regular PC
  • Apple says it's illegal to install OS X on anything other than an Apple machine
  • Apple has implemented features which make it impossibe to install OS X on anything other than a Mac.

I told him so :)

Yes. If you want to run it, you need to get a mac. Don't be doing illegal things. Apple inc. is not afraid to sue someone for violating their rules. However, you can run windows on a mac. And I think Linux as well. I don't know.

And I think Linux as well. I don't know.

Yep. I've run Debian, Gentoo, Slackware and Ubuntu on my MacBook. They work pretty good except for the occaisional hardware difficulty. (Arrgh, right now the latest Debian update messed up madwifi, so now my wireless doesn't work).

And sorry for going so off-topic. ;)

Of course it will not do anything with your systems if it is an original apple OS installer you are using but if you tried the semthex 10.4.8 installer or the X86 for intel SSe2 SSE3 then you could install an apple software to your intel Lapop as long as its graphic accelerator card built into your laptop is supported, ther are lot of hardware issues in dealing with X86 installer for intel, ther are lot of forums in the net feel free to search, Good Day!
I hope i have help you in many ways.

MAC will not run on Intel, different software architecture, you need to get a MAC or get oen of those new Intel base MAC see here

>MAC will not run on Intel,
Actually, it does.

>different software architecture,
Different than what?

>you need to get a MAC or get oen of those new Intel base MAC
Intel Macs are the only type of new Macs you can buy nowadays.

Of course it will not do anything with your systems if it is an original apple OS installer you are using but if you tried the semthex 10.4.8 installer or the X86 for intel SSe2 SSE3 then you could install an apple software to your intel Lapop as long as its graphic accelerator card built into your laptop is supported, ther are lot of hardware issues in dealing with X86 installer for intel, ther are lot of forums in the net feel free to search, Good Day!
I hope i have help you in many ways

what i am telling you is all tech talk i dont deal with legal issues unless its necessary, they say its illegal.


Of course it will not do anything with your systems if it is an original apple OS installer you are using but if you tried the semthex 10.4.8 installer or the X86 for intel SSe2 SSE3 then you could install an apple software to your intel Lapop as long as its graphic accelerator card built into your laptop is supported, ther are lot of hardware issues in dealing with X86 installer for intel, ther are lot of forums in the net feel free to search, Good Day!
I hope i have help you in many ways

what i am telling you is all tech talk i dont deal with legal issues unless its necessary, they say its illegal.

Please refrain from discussing OS X installation on non-Apple hardware. What you are describing is illegal, if you don't believe me, here is the relevant section of the OS X license agreement:

2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions.
A. This License allows you to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-labeled computer, or to enable others to do so.

You may also be aware that DaniWeb has a rule prohibiting illegal talk, it's known as the "Keep it Legal" rule. Any further discussion of this topic may result in warnings, infraction points, or thread closure, and I'm sure no one wants that. Thank you for understanding.

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