have you seen dell? cos of vista theres been a price crash!

all the pcs that are not vista compatible are now like £60 off at least!
many workstations and servers are in the £100-£300 price range now!

I'm not sure why anyone would want to rush to buy Vista at launch, I'd much rather wait for SP1 to hit the streets at which time there should be less application software compatibility issues as well.

I'm not sure why anyone would want to rush to buy Vista at launch, I'd much rather wait for SP1 to hit the streets at which time there should be less application software compatibility issues as well.

exactly. my company has too many mission critical stuff to even consider Viste before sp1 comes out. I even have Vista here, came with the whole MSDN package, but I've no intention on using it even for testing before it stops being rough around the edges, like every MS product is when it first hits the market

I'm not sure why anyone would want to rush to buy Vista at launch, I'd much rather wait for SP1 to hit the streets at which time there should be less application software compatibility issues as well.

But Steve Ballmer said they wouldn't need a service pack! ;)

Well, actually Vista's been beta-tested for quite some time, so I kind of doubt that a service pack is coming anytime soon. Maybe someday I'll install it on my MacBook...

M$ is notorious for releasing their products and then letting the general public find the bugs. Anyone wish to place a small wager on whether there will be a SP1?


Well right now the only bit of Vista that sounds really interesting (apart from the slick interface ;)) is the fact that your GFX drivers etc. can be run outside the kernel, so if they screw up then there's no need to reboot the whole shebang, just the drivers. As I'm a gamer, this would probably prevent many of my crashes... Although with the last driver update my rig crashes noticeably less than before. I ordered my GTS about 3 days after the 8800's first came out, so it was a very new driver.

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