My computer is going nuts. . .
When it turns on 2 pop ups come up saying "Windows cannot find C:\Windows\system32\rhhgmsb\winlogon.exe and then says it can not load / run C:\Windows\system32\rhhgmsb\winlogon.exe . .. After that there is 2 pop ups one says "Generic Host Process for Win32 services has encountered a problem and needs to close" which is followed by "Instructions at 0*745f2780 referrenced memory at 0 * 00000000. The * is a times sign. Then after proceed and click okay my computer just freezes up it is terrible please help ... I need to get a project done and cant cause mi computer is not working [IMG][/IMG]

Looks like it is a trojan. See here for the description. Download spyware removal tool or do an online-check of your %windir%.

Malware is a likely scenerio here, however in order to be sure you will need to get your system running in order to perform scans and post your logs!
Try starting the computer with the "last Known Good Configuration" setting. To do this, follow these steps:
1. boot your system pressing the f8 key to access the menu options.
2. When the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, use the ARROW keys to select Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked), and then press ENTER.
3. If you are running other operating systems on your computer, use the ARROW keys to select the Microsoft Windows version required, and then press ENTER.

This should allow to get back up and running to follow Keiths advice and also post your logs for assistance (if need be) in the Malware forum!

Good Luck :cool:

Hey Thanks a bunch I downloaded PrevX1 and It seems to have fixed the problem for now it found some harmful maleware and quarantined and deleted it. I think everything is good now


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