I am doing Second year engineering.

I am confused with where to go in IT field.

I mean which software filed to choose like java, .net , oracle etc. etc.

Can anyone help me to choose right field that will be evergreen and interesting as well as easier to learn ?

Please reply.

well basically the choices are:

C / C++
Database administration (MS/MySQL/Oracle)

Hot areas at the minute are PHP/MySQL

there isnt that many jobs in VB.NET as there are for other languages. Most developers learn C# instead of VB.

hai nitesh iam also 2n dyr student.iam also same doubt.I don't wany to do.

It depends on the taste that you have...
If you are comfortable with C then use PHP....
if you are a MS FaN THEN GO ON WITH .net...
IT DEPENDS REALLY... just follow your heart..

OK GOD BLESS on your career

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