ptous 0 Newbie Poster


I am currently working on my master thesis on the subject of improving the process of disaster recovery in IT. The title of my thesis paper is “A Plan to Prevail: Strengthening the Resilience of Disaster Recovery Processes”. As part of this thesis I am conducting a survey where I compare general information about disaster recovery processes already in place.

I would really appreciate if you participated in this survey to help me with this master’s thesis. Please feel free to forward this survey link the folks you know in the IT Industry. All answers I get are helpful to my thesis.

The survey should no more than 5 minutes to complete, there are a total of 36 questions. Please complete survey before June 15th.

The survey is available at:

Thank you in advance for you support,

Note: Information gathered from this survey will be used to prove/disprove a theory outlined in my Masters Thesis. All information are confidential and, outside of basic demographic information, anonymous.