hello everyone.
i'm developing a program containing a for loop where the answer of each each respondent to each questrion is read in.
the program is saying:100 people conmpleted the following questionaire:
what is your highest qualification?
1.if grade 10
1.if grade 12
3. if any tertiary qualification
how old are u?
1.if below 20
2.between 20-32
3.if above 32
what is your gender
m if male
2.f if female
3.h if hetero
the program has to determine
a)the number of males aged between 20-32 and highest qualification
b)the number of people older than30 with a tertiary qualification
c)the number of females aged between 20-30 with a tertiary qualification and display the three total.
i'm just asking for a pseudocode the rest i will do please help