Last night i full scan my pc for a possible virus due to some reasons. Then I detected a trojan virus after a detection: the effected components was the explorer.exe and some systm file in windows. After prompting me the detection my screen for a while...a long i decided to reboot it... after rebooting it prompts me that their are no harddrive detected to continue i loaded my xp cd for a check up/recovery but it prompts me that my pc had no hard drive..what happen to my pc i try to look in on my BIOS...but it was okey!...please can someone give some solution/suggestion..please i need my mobe i had to learn some new stuff...

Explorer.exe is a required system file.. the other system files infected were probably required to boot.. either your virus scan deleted these files for some reason or you screwed somethn up when you rebooted it.

You say the hd is detected in the bios, but Microsoft does not recognize the hd? That's rather strange.. perhaps the hd would be corrupted and you would be forced to reformat, but I'd think it would still be recognized by the XP cd.. Try using the XP cd again to repair your Windows installation.. if this still doesn't work then you will need a linux live cd to diagnose your hd..

I'd already try the xp cd for recovery and a 98 cd for possible solution but it always looking for my hd..explorer.exe is been affected with the virus.

Do you have another hd lying around? I would install it in another system as a secondary hd, and run a virus scan on it..

I had only one hd so i probably one to buy another one..

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