Okay heres the deal...
I turned my Dell computer on today and it went to a black screen that said Error loading operating system at the top left hand corner. Can anyone help me on what to do?

P.S. I dont know much about computers.


P.S.S. i have a computer and my mom put a feW games on it and i play them sometimes.

Sounds like hard disk has either failed or corrupted.

If you don't know much about two computers then you have two options

1) contact Dell and get them to help. Be warned they will not save any data that is revoverable. If under warranty then this ought to be your first option, except for possible problems about data recovery.

2) contact a local computer shop, not the big one starting with P.

Hope this helps

Yeah sounds like the hard disk is dead or windows is corrupted, either way your looking at a big problem. Return it to dell if possible or if not, then be prepared to shell out a laod of cash, and most likely lose all of your stuff.

How can I fix it myself?

To do it yourself, buy a new hard disk and reinstall windows on it from the windows CD but if you have an oldish Dell then you probably wont have a CD, you would have probably had a recovery partition which is most likely dead, as it was on the hard disk, meaning youll need to shell out a load of cash (probably more than the PC) to buy a new Operating System.

to get back your data supposedly putting your harddrive in the freezer helps...

Um, before you waste time and money, make sure that the hd is connected properly.. Many times, a loose connection can occur when moving the computer and such. Open the case, and make sure that both the IDE and power connectors are firmly in place (I'm assuming its IDE, it could be SATA).

If this does nothing.. check in your BIOS whether or not it even shows the hd.. I suggest contacting dell, then a data recovery business.. they have some high-tech mirroring machines and such that can work some magic, and recover almost anything. Next, they should determine whether the hd is still usable or not.. if not, buy another one.. and hope you still have the product key to your OS lying around.

do you know that the CIA can extract data by looking at the harddrive with a microscope?

A microscope? Says who? Thats impossible.. the data is inside the hd on the little rotating disks.

yeah they look at individual disks.

Ah.. well the CIA can do anything.. they probably hack us all 20 times a day looking for terrorist information lol..

lol, not with my firewall and os (I can almost hear CIA agents snickering ;-)

dude, I've seen "Federal Bureau of Investigation" blocked on PeerGuardian before.. I was like, oh wtf? Pulled the plug, and just waited for a couple hours lol... I'm sure it was probably because of some website I was visiting or something..

But yea, you know the CIA has advanced technology that they wont tell anyone about.. makes it easy for that to hack us and such.. which helps them internationally, but I'm pretty sure thats illegal, and their information would not be used in the American court of law.

Whoa.. thats very interesting.. Never heard of that before.. Just another reason why we should all use linux :)

There's no doubt in my mind that the NSA and Microsoft would develop such a scheme..

But who knows maybe the CIA paid off RMS to modify gcc so when the linux kernel is compiled it produces a kernel with a fatal back door! That way not as many people would notice. I mean who really looks at gcc's code?

I bet you there is a backdoor in the TCP/IP stack.


True.. We are all being watched 24/7 by the U.S. government..

Here's an ideal, take the hdd out if the dell and slave it in the other computer then see if you can access it. This will also let you know if it is a bad hdd or just corrupted os. Sence you aren't booting from it you should be able to access it. If you have a large enough primary hdd on that other computer do a file transfer of the programs you want to keep. Then wipe it clean and formatt it and put it back in the dell. If it has a recovery partition DO NOT formatt that partition, use that to reload the primary partition of that hdd.

It would have been read in the bios had the hd not been corrupted.

JoshSCH, he never said that he had tried to go in the bios section, he simply stated that he turned on the computer and got the error message, and then asked what he could do to fix it himself. Thats the reason I told him to remove the hdd and try it in the other computer. I'm sure he knows someone with more knowledge than he on the subject. He gave us the problem but didn't tell us of any steps that he took to fix it before coming here.
That's like saying that "I have a black screen on my monitor and nothing works" My first question would be " did you turn it on?' Years ago I did some tv repair, and would have someone call saying that their tv wouldn't come on only to fine out after going to their home that they had unpluged it because of a strom and had forgotten to plug it back up. Getting hit with a twenty five $ service charge, they never forgot that again.

If you are under warranty, please call Dell. If your computer is opened by another source and it is still under warranty, you could violate it.

JoshSCH, he never said that he had tried to go in the bios section, he simply stated that he turned on the computer and got the error message, and then asked what he could do to fix it himself. Thats the reason I told him to remove the hdd and try it in the other computer. I'm sure he knows someone with more knowledge than he on the subject. He gave us the problem but didn't tell us of any steps that he took to fix it before coming here.

Hmm.. Had you read my first post, you would have understood why I said that in my second post..

Um, before you waste time and money, make sure that the hd is connected properly.. Many times, a loose connection can occur when moving the computer and such. Open the case, and make sure that both the IDE and power connectors are firmly in place (I'm assuming its IDE, it could be SATA).

If this does nothing.. check in your BIOS whether or not it even shows the hd.. I suggest contacting dell, then a data recovery business.. they have some high-tech mirroring machines and such that can work some magic, and recover almost anything. Next, they should determine whether the hd is still usable or not.. if not, buy another one.. and hope you still have the product key to your OS lying around.

Sorry JoshSCH, you're right, I didn't go back and read what you had posted. My mistake! But do you think he did it?

Obviously not..

JoshSCh, I'm fairly new here at Daniweb and I must say that I've gotten a lot of help from the people here. But I also see people asking for help that never responds back and tell if they got the problem fixed.You who are ITs see this all the time I'm sure at work. It would be nice if you knew that the advice you gave helped, wouldn't it?

Indeed.. happens all the time on Daniweb.. People you try to help, but never know how it turns out, b/c they never post again. :-/

most threads end that way.

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